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  1. Cooking Mama 2 Price - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Economical Beef Stew...
    ...but with no comprimise on the taste! This is a lovely stew that I make all the time, as it happens I'm posting this as I cook it - a great winter warmer. Originally it was just my basic recipe, how mama used to make it, but after seeing various combinations over the years, I've changed it slightly and now I don't think it get's any better. I use "casserole steak" for this and it's beautiful, and reasonably priced. You can use more expensive steak or cheaper cuts of beef, but this is already a lovely dish that is made at a very low cost. I add homemade cheese & chive dumplings (I'll post my recipe after I have posted this one) and put them into the stew 30 minutes before the meal is ready. Serves 4 - half the recipe for 2, half again for 1.