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  1. Cooking T-bone Steak In A Skillet - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Butter-Basted Rib Eye Steaks
    Food and Wine
    Rib eye steak can seem intimidating to cook, but this recipe couldn't be simpler. Based on a recipe from Alain Ducasse, this rib eye steak method has essentially two parts: seasoning the meat well and letting it stand at room temperature for at least half an hour, and then cooking them in a hot cast iron skillet. Halfway through cooking, these bone-in rib eyes are basted with a mixture of butter, thyme and garlic that's already in the skillet, so they're crusty outside and richly flavored. And don't worry about any special equipment. For these ribeyes, all you need is a sturdy pan and a spoon. Slideshow:  More Incredible Steak Dishes