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  1. Creating a space to live your life is a simple way to think about decluttering your physical and mental space. Decluttering is not just a home organizational tool, a trendy method of folding clothes or a cute way to arrange your closet so it’s Instagram-worthy.

  2. Apr 8, 2021 · Creating space in your life will only improve your quality of life and give you more time to do the things you love, to create memories, and enjoy whatever it is you chose to do in your life. There are hundreds of ways you can create more space in your mental, physical, financial, and personal life.

  3. Mar 3, 2023 · I know that for a lot of us, minimalism can be a hazy concept, so hopefully this more tangible approach of creating space will help others understand minimalism better too. Keep reading for 35 practical examples of how we can create space in our lives, and what that new space could then attract.

  4. Consider then, these 12 Simple Strategies to Create Extra Space Each Day. 1. Nap. According to some studies, our minds may be hardwired to shift between sleep and wake more than once a day, even dating back thousands of years we find evidence of society embracing an afternoon nap.

  5. Recap: How to Create Space in Your Life. Here’s What You Should Be Aware Of. In First Things First, Stephen Covey lays out his Big Rocks illustration. He uses a glass jar to represent a person’s life: · The big rocks represent our main priorities. · The pebbles represent the urgent, but less important priorities.

  6. May 21, 2021 · 1. Identify what matters most to you. Before you do anything to create more space for the things you love, you need to first identify the things that you truly value. When there is a gap between what we value and the actions we take, it may cause us to feel distressed, disconnected, and directionless.

  7. Aug 21, 2022 · Mental Health. The Speed of Life Can Crush Your Mental Health – Unless You Take These Steps. By Crystal Hoshaw. Stuck on the hamster wheel? Try these tips to make space. We often think we need to add more and more to our lives to get better, stronger, more productive, more something .

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