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  1. a) Substantive Criminal Law, b) Adjective/Procedural Criminal law. ‗The Substantive Criminal law‘ lays down the principles of criminal liability, defines offences and prescribes punishments for the same. The Ethiopian Criminal Code does this business. However, the substantive criminal law by its very nature cannot be self-operative.

  2. Criminal cases involve the commission of acts that are prohibited by law and are punishable by probation, fines, imprisonment — even death. The attorney representing the state, county or municipal government that formally accuses an individual of committing a crime is the prosecutor.

  3. criminal law, Body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected offenders, and fixes punishment for convicted persons. Substantive criminal law defines particular crimes, and procedural law establishes rules for the prosecution of crime.

  4. Jul 14, 2023 · Civil and criminal law differ greatly; some students prefer the field of civil law while others gravitate toward criminal law. Whether or not they become civil lawyers or criminal lawyers in their legal careers, understanding the concepts of criminal and civil law is extremely important. In this article, the focus is on criminal law.

  5. Oct 15, 2015 · Definition of Common Law. Noun. Laws that are based on court or tribunal decisions, which govern future decisions on similar cases. Origin. 1300-1350 Middle English

  6. Criminal Law Lectures - Introduction Criminal Law is one of the essential core subject areas required for a qualifying law degree. Crime is a common part of everyday life. Crime is around us in many forms and it is a feature of everyday news. Thus, most students will be familiar with what each offence is.

  7. Oct 15, 2023 · One area of criminal law that is currently receiving a great deal of attention is the regulation and prosecution of drug crimes related to medical marijuana. Due to state trends toward the legalization of medical marijuana, this is an area of criminal law that is in flux.

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