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  1. Instantaneous acceleration of the proton at t = 3s. P6: A rocket is launched vertically from the ground with an initial velocity of 80m/s. It ascends. with a constant acceleration of 4 m/s2 to an altitude of 10 km. Its motors then fail, and the. rocket continues upward as a free fall particle and then falls back down.

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  2. Newton's Laws: Forces and Motion A force is a push or a pull. A force is a vector : it has a magnitude and a direction. Forces add like vectors, not like scalars. Example: Two forces, labeled F 1 and F 2, are both acting on the same object. The forces have the same magnitude F F F 12 oand are 90 apart in direction: F F F F F

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  4. • Kinematics – branch of physics; study of motion • Position (x) – where you are located • Distance (d) – how far you have traveled, regardless of direction • Displacement (Dx) – where you are in relation to where you started Distance vs. Displacement • You drive the path, and your odometer goes up by 8 miles (your distance).

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  5. Projectile Motion: good examples of projectiles are a rock thrown straight out from the top of a cliff and a ball thrown across a field. the word projectile comes from the Latin jacere meaning ‘to throw’ and pro meaning ‘forward’. projectile motion can be separated into two components; a vertical (up and down) motion and a horizontal ...

  6. › 02_Motion1DMotion in 1D - Physics

    velocity = speed + direction of motion Things that have both a magnitude and a direction are called vectors. More on vectors in Ch.3. For 1D motion (motion along a straight line, like on an air track), we can represent the direction of motion with a +/– sign. + = going right .

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  7. through activities to begin dynamics, the study of the cause of motion. Links to Physics: Understanding of motion is fundamental to mechanics including constant or accelerated motion of cars to electrons. Other topics will also require the introduction of motion. Examples include wave motion (as in sound and

  8. Examples: time, mass, distance. Mass is a great example, since it has a number value (like 58 kg), but we don't give it a direction (like “East”). • vector: have magnitude and direction Examples: velocity, force, displacement. Force has a magnitude (like 37 N) and a direction (like "pushed to the left"). Displacement & Time

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