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  1. Mar 8, 2021 · cooperate in risk-based assessments per GE Aviation’s Know Your Supplier policies and procedures. Examples of assessments can be, but are not limited to, any of the following: PQA, SRG, Capacity, and Capability. Contracting To do business with GE Aviation, suppliers are expected to comply with requirements specified in GE Aviation’s

  2. May 6, 2021 · According to FAA, it means that the pilot should be the only person in the aircraft. According to 14 CFR § 61.51 - Pilot logbooks, (d) Logging of solo flight time. Except for a student pilot performing the duties of pilot in command of an airship requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember, a pilot may log as solo flight time only that flight time when the pilot is the sole occupant of ...

  3. (1) For turbine engine powered airplanes certificated after August 29, 1959, an area beyond the runway, not less than 500 feet wide, centrally located about the extended centerline of the runway, and under the control of the airport authorities. The clearway is expressed in terms of a clearway plane, extending from the end of the runway with an upward slope

  4. This Manual has been prepared in accordance with the Civil Aviation Rules / Regulations of (Insert country) for the use and guidance of Civil Aviation Authority and Industry personnel and contains all the relevant information with respect to the

  5. Maintenance Division to follow its Quality Management System (QMS) review process. This proven process allows all CAMP-related policy, guidance, and Job Task Analyses (JTA) to evolve gradually over a 3-year time span with little disruption. The Aircraft Maintenance Division expects these enhancements to add clarity and improve consistency of CAMP

  6. Typically, the time of publication of the daytime (westbound) OTS is 2200 UTC and of the night-time (eastbound) OTS is 1400 UTC. The NAT Track Message gives full details of the co-ordinates of each track of the OTS as well as the flight levels that are expected to be in use on each of those tracks.

  7. The small RPAS pilot operating within visual line of sight must be able to: Explain that persons, vehicles, obstacles and operations at aerodromes are subject to the approval of the aerodrome operator and the appropriate air traffic control unit.