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Hebb is an internationally renowned neurophysiologist most who developed the concept of the Hebbian synapse and the Hebbian learning rule [].His contributions to the understanding of human learning and memory continue to have an impact on most areas of psychological thought and practice.
APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (1961) CPA Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science (1980) Howard Crosby Warren Medal (1958) Award for Distinguished Contributions to Developmental Psychology (1983) Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society
Donald Olging Hebb, nado en Chester (Nova Escocia) o 22 de xullo de 1904 e finado na mesma cidade o 20 de agosto de 1985, foi un psicólogo canadense que influíu na área da neuropsicoloxía, en que tratou de entender como contribuía o funcionamento das neuronas nos procesos psicolóxicos, como a aprendizaxe. É coñecido pola súa teoría da aprendizaxe hebbiana, que presentou na súa obra ...
Donald Hebb was born in 1904 in Nova Scotia, Canada.1 The oldest child of two medical doctors, Hebb was homeschooled until the age of 8 and was an avid reader at a young age.6 After graduating from Halifax County Academy at age 16, he studied English at Dalhousie University with the aim of becoming a novelist, and worked a variety of jobs after graduating, including as a teacher at his former ...
As of 1980, the Donald O. Hebb Award is presented annually to members of the Canadian Psychological Association for their contributions to psychology as a science. The first winner (after Hebb himself) was Brenda Milner – today Canada’s preeminent neuropsychologist, and a celebrated McGill professor even at the age of 102.
Jan 1, 1993 · The Mind and Donald O. Hebb By rooting behavior in ideas, and ideas in the brain, Hebb laid the groundwork for modern neuroscience. His theory prefigured computer models of neural networks
Donald O. Hebb (22 de xunetu de 1904, Chester (es) – 20 d'agostu de 1985, Chester (es)) ye consideráu'l iniciador de la biopsicoloxía. Aspiraba a escribir noveles pero escoyó'l campu de la educación y convirtióse nun direutor escolar na provincia de Québec .