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Official Transcript. Click on the icon below to order official transcripts through the Parchment online service. Unofficial Transcript. As of 2-16-24 unofficial transcripts are not available for students who attended Summer 2021 or earlier.
Please order all transcripts online to ensure timely delivery. Any current or former ECU student may request an Official Transcript at any time. ECU has retained Credentials Solutions to accept and process transcript orders.
Transcripts from all other institutions need to be official and submitted to the Admissions & Records Office before the end of the first semester attended. If you have any questions about Parchment, select the "Support" link below.
Forms for students and faculty are found in Etrieve and include (but are not limited to) transcript requests, degree audits, and name changes. Graduation applications are located in Colleague Self-Service.
Transcript & Enrollment Verification. Concurrent Transcript Request (only for current high school students) Official Transcript Request (please visit for instructions)
Instructions for requesting official and unofficial transcripts can be found at Notification: To email the Records Office, please email . Effective July 22, 2022, the email address is no longer in use.
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How can I get a transcript from ECOK?
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Order a Transcript. Please click on the link below for directions on how to send your transcript to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) How to Order DESE Transcripts.