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  1. Entamoeba coli, E. hartmanni, E. polecki, Endolimax nana, and Iodamoeba buetschlii are generally considered nonpathogenic and reside in the lumen of the large intestine in the human host.

  2. › wiki › EndolimaxEndolimax - Wikipedia

    Endolimax is a genus of amoebozoa [1] that are found in the intestines of various animals, including the species E. nana found in humans. Originally thought to be non-pathogenic, studies suggest it can cause intermittent or chronic diarrhea.

  3. Nov 4, 2015 · Of the so-called nonpathogenic intestinal protozoa, Endolimax nana belongs to the ones least well described. Most data on E. nana have emerged from general surveys of intestinal parasites in selected cohorts and mostly in the absence of any particular focus on Endolimax.

  4. Jun 13, 2012 · Blastocystis hominis and Endolimax nana are two intestinal parasitic organisms that are distributed worldwide with a higher prevalence in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Co-infection of these organisms occurs due to their identical mode of transmissions, via the fecal-oral route and ingestion of cysts from contaminated water supplies.

  5. Endolimax nana (Fig. 4-1) is the smallest of the intestine-dwelling amoebae infecting humans, its trophozoite averaging only 8 μm in diameter (range, 6-15 μm). The trophozoite lives in the host’s colon and is generally considered to be nonpathogenic.

  6. Oct 23, 2023 · The nonpathogenic protozoa can be divided into two groups: amebae and flagellates. The nonpathogenic amebae include: Endolimax nana. Entamoeba bangladeshi. To continue reading this article, you must sign in with your personal, hospital, or group practice subscription. Subscribe.

  7. Jun 17, 2024 · Species. The nonpathogenic intestinal protozoa include: Chilomastix mesnili. Endolimax nana. Entamoeba coli. Entamoeba dispar. Entamoeba hartmanni. Entamoeba polecki. Iodamoeba buetschlii. Symptoms. These nonpathogenic protozoa do not cause illness. Other possible causes of your symptoms should be considered.

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