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  2. Apr 21, 2022 · Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or lengthy phrases. You'll find them in almost every discipline and area of life, from commonly used abbreviations in names or titles, such as Mr. for mister or pres. for president, to less commonly used abbreviations, such as the short version of the word abbreviation itself, which is abbr.

    • Alvin Park
    • Staff Writer
    • What Is The Difference Between Abbreviations and Acronyms?
    • 50 Popular Internet Acronyms
    • 50 Text Messaging (Short Message Service (=Sms)) and Whatsapp Abbreviations


    An abbreviation (from Latin brevi³re → brevis meaning “short”) is a shortened form of a word or phrase used mainly in writing to represent the complete form. It usually has a full-stop at the end. Examples: Lib. For Library / abbr. for abbreviation / approx. for approximate


    An acronym (from Latin acro- meaning “beginning” + -onym meaning “word, name”) is a pronounceable word formed mostly (but not always) from the initial letters of a descriptive name or title. Examples: radar = radio detecting and ranging / ASAP = as soon as possible The term initialism uses a similar method, but the word is pronounced letter by letter.Example: BBC British Broadcasting Corporation or USA United States of America. And last but not least, there are symbols and/or units of referen...

    Usage & Meaning

    Not all of these short-hands can be assumed to be understood by the majorities of Internet or E-Mail users. However, there are some exceptions, which are fairly safe to use: The reason is that these abbreviations are based on the pronunciation of their corresponding letter / digit.

    List of Internet Acronyms

    Please note: An acronym (from Greek: -acro = sharp, pointed; -onym = name) in its pure form denotes a combination of letters (usually from an abbreviation) which can be used and pronouncedas a word. For the sake of clarity and readability, this definition is not always followed within the 2 lists on this page.

    Please note: even though the acronyms below are written in ALL CAPS, it is not mandatory to use the capital letters, and most people tend to mix upper- and lowercase depending on personal taste. To use caps for the acronyms themselves is generally not considered poor netiquette; however, writing whole words or sentences in ALL CAPS is usually read ...

  3. Mar 1, 2024 · Updated March 1st, 2024. Text abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that help save time and characters. They’re often used for things like social media posts and text messages to limit the number of characters used. Many text abbreviations are also used as slang, especially by younger generations, and keeping up-to-date on the ...

    • Clipping. Clipping refers to the removal of entire syllables from words, usually from the end. What’s left is typically one or two syllables that people can still easily recognize.
    • Contractions. Contractions are one of the most common types of abbreviations. It involves removing individual letters, instead of entire syllables as in clipping.
    • Initialisms. An initialism is simply the use of initials—using the first letter of a word to represent the entire word. Initialism is quite common for names, both of people and organizations, as a way to shorten long strings of words, especially in writing.
    • Acronyms. Just like initialism, acronyms combine the first letters of multiple words. However, the big difference is that these letters are pronounced together like a brand-new word, instead of saying each letter separately.
  4. We often use short forms (called contractions) in spoken English. For instance, instead of saying I am here, we often say I'm here. Instead of he is late, we say he's late. When we write a short form, we replace the missing letter with ’ (called an apostrophe). The contraction ’s can mean is or….

  5. abbreviate (verb): make shorter; shorten (a word or words) abbreviation (noun): a short form of a word or words. An abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase. All of the short forms that you see below ↓ are abbreviations. Dr - Co. - Ltd - c.o.d - NASA - laser - let's - DVD - radar - a.s.a.p. - etc. - FAQ - HTML.

  6. English Abbreviations List. Dr. = Doctor. Mr. = Mister. Mrs. = Misses. Ms. = Miss. Ave. = Avenue. Blvd. = Boulevard. Dr. = Drive. Ln. = Lane. Rd. = Road. E = East. N = North. NE = North East. NW = North West. S = South. SE = South East. SW = South West. W = West. BA = Bachelor of Arts. BS = Bachelor of Science. MA = Master of Arts.

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