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  1. Previously, we offered some classic religious poems; now, we’re thinking specifically about God and Jesus. The following classic poems are all about God, but they span over a thousand years of English literature and range from narrative poems to short lyrics to meditations and dream-visions.

  2. What are some examples of famous poems about Jesus Christ: Savior’s Love Versified? Some famous examples include “The Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson, “The Dream of the Rood” by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, and “The Ballad of the White Horse” by G.K. Chesterton.

    • Patience of Jesus
    • This Same Jesus
    • The Savior’s Love
    • The Outcast
    • Perfect Harmony
    • Serve Him Well
    • When Christ Was Born
    • How Much Did Christ Really Suffer?
    • How Big Is The Basket?
    • Christ, The Lord

    Poet: Edward Denny What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone Around thy steps below! What patient love was seen in all Thy life and death of woe! For ever on thy burdened heart A weight of sorrow hung; Yet no ungentle, murmuring word Escaped thy silent tongue. Thy foes might hate, despise, revile, Thy friends unfaithful prove; Unwearied in forgiveness s...

    Poet: Frances Ridley Havergal “This same Jesus!” Oh, how sweetly Fall those words upon the ear, Like a swell of far-off music In a night-watch still and drear! He who healed the hopeless leper; He who dried the widow’s tear; He who changed to health and gladness Helpless suffering, trembling fear; He who wandered, poor and homeless, By the stormy G...

    Poet: J. J. Thorne Jesus died on Calvary’s mountain. He submitted himself for all; To bleed and die upon the cross, For those on Him who call. He shed his blood for our sins, That we might through him be saved; On him depends our wretched hearts, A Triumph over the grave. He submitted himself with all power. On earth and in heaven above; To die and...

    Poet: Berton Braley They called him “fool” and “traitor” As through the land he went; They cried out “agitator” And “brand of discontent!” From altar and from steeple Upon this man forlorn The priests and “better people” Hurled wrath and cruel scorn. They called him “cheat” and “faker,” And drove him from the door; They shouted, “Mischiefmaker, Beg...

    Poet: Lucy Qriss And lo, my heart was sad, alone, Bereft of one whose loving presence Unceasing thoughtfulness and care had given. My soul was plunged in solitude Which ne’er before had sorrow known. ‘Tis now that friendship’s sacred help draws near, And shares the painful loneliness; Yet with all that sympathy would willingly bestow, There is a de...

    Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2004 Before you serve you must obey, you cannot walk at will, There’s guidance for your daily walk, the Voice says, “Peace, be still.” You must discern the truth of God and recognize your sin, Be willing to release its hold before God enters in. You must relinquish all the claims you’ve held so firm and dear, That independent w...

    Poet: Florence Earle Coates On that divine all-hallowed morn When Christ in Bethlehem was born. How lone did Mary seem to be, The kindly beasts for company! But when she saw her infant’s face – Fair with the soul’s unfading grace. Softly she wept for love’s excess. For painless ease and happiness. She pressed her treasure to her heart – A lowly mot...

    Greta Zwaan, © 2009 Jesus suffered from His first day on earth, separation from God on the day of His birth. Often left alone to walk this dark vale, misunderstood though He loved without fail. Tortured in body and tortured in soul, He passed through the valley yet still in control. He cried o’er Jerusalem, He cried over sin, not of His own faults ...

    Greta Zwaan, © 2018 “Mommy, can you tell me how big the basket is? Daddy said to ask you, that you could answer this.” “I don’t quite understand dear, which basket do you mean? There are big and little baskets and others in between.” “No, no, the basket Jesus carries that holds our family’s prayers. Where we put all our problems, the ones that Jesu...

    Poet: Ellwood Haines Stokes Christ, the Lord of life and glory, Speaks, and all obey His voice, Lame men walk, the deaf find hearing. And the dumb in songs rejoice. Blind men by the wayside begging. Felt His touch and lo! they see: Blest, divine. Emancipator, Thou canst set the nations free! =========

  3. Poets have sought to capture the essence of their divine encounters through evocative verses, crafting works that inspire, challenge, and deepen our understanding of the sacred. In this article, we will explore a selection of remarkable poems that explore the themes of God and Jesus.

    • Balulalow. O my dear heart, young Jesus sweet, Prepare thy cradle in my spirit. And I shall rock thee in my heart. And never more be parted from thee. But I shall praise thee evermore.
    • The Revival. Henry Vaughan. Unfold! Take in His light, Who makes thy cares more short than night. The joys which with His day-star rise. He deals to all but drowsy eyes;
    • Baby Jesus. A virgin birth, a manger bed. A lowly stable. To lay His head. A humble beginning for anyone. It doesnt seem fitting. For Gods only Son. But God had a plan to redeem me and you.
    • There Is No One Like Jesus. There is no one like Jesus, Our Savior and Lord. The message is timeless. The price we could not afford. On the cross. He bore our shame.
  4. Nov 10, 2021 · Christian Poems unite emotion, beauty and truth attuning our hearts to Jesus, the Son of God and His Peace. Here are 25 of the best.

  5. The poems on this list are addressed to God, consider religion in a new way, or question the nature of faith. They are written by a variety of poets, from Maya Angelou to John Milton, and take different approaches to the theme of God.

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