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  1. Existentialism - Meaning, Freedom, Anxiety: Both the ontology and manner of human existence are of concern to existentialism. The fundamental characteristic of existentialist ontology is the primacy that study of the nature of existence gives to the concept of possibility. That priority dominated the philosophy of Kierkegaard and also was amply utilized by Husserl, who had explicitly affirmed ...

  2. 978-0413313003. Existentialism Is a Humanism ( French: L'existentialisme est un humanisme) is a 1946 work by the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, based on a lecture by the same name he gave at Club Maintenant in Paris, on 29 October 1945. In early translations, Existentialism and Humanism was the title used in the United Kingdom; the work was ...

  3. Jul 19, 2023 · 6. Questioning god: While some existentialists have argued for the existence of God, most have at least questioned the existence of god and at most argued that there is a god, he did not ascribe meaning to our lives. 7. Alienation: This, in existentialist thought, refers to the estrangement of the self from the world and itself.

  4. Jun 8, 2018 · existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that became associated with the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre [1] (who rejected the name as too confining) and whose roots extend to the works of Søren Kierkegaard and Martin Heidegger [2].

  5. Jun 26, 2009 · Metaphysical foundations of existentialist aesthetics. The term “aesthetics” as it first emerged in modern philosophy (in A. G. Baumgarten’s 1750 Aesthetica ) encompassed the theory of perception, the theory of beauty and the theory of art. This remained true of all classical philosophical aesthetics in the late 18 th and 19 th centuries.

  6. 存在主义. 存在主义 (英語: Existentialism ,德語: Existentialismus ),又可翻译為 實存主義 、 我存主义 ,指的是研究生命能意識到自己的存在,并且以“我”為中心去探索、追求、解决和優化其生命一切的一門 哲学 。. 在存在主義思想家看來,人類個體總是會 ...

  7. Existențialismul cuprinde deopotrivă un sistem ideatic, o morală și o doctrină de acțiune. Acest curent din gândirea filozofică se leagă și de numele unor scriitori care au exprimat, în operele lor, un „sentiment tragic al vieții” și ideea absurdității existenței ( Dostoievski, Miguel de Unamuno, Kafka, Camus s.a.).

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