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  1. Introduction to February birthstones. Amethyst - February birthstone. Jasper - guardian angel birthstone for February. Red Garnet - February special apostle birth gem. Jade - Pisces astral birth rock {BONUS} - Serpentine - high priest February birthstone

  2. Amethyst, the modern and traditional February birthstone, has a rich history and strong symbolic ties to love and spirituality. Due to its beauty, availability, and durability, this purple gem has become a very popular jewelry stone. You'll find them in everything from simple stud earrings to delicate bracelets to bold statement rings.

  3. Jan 29, 2024 · The February birthstone is not only a stunning gemstone, but also a symbol of protection and tranquility. Its formation in volcanic rock and the meticulous treatments it undergoes showcase the intricate journey of this gem, ultimately making it a cherished and meaningful choice for those born in February or seeking a gemstone with rich history ...

  4. Feb 5, 2023 · Amethyst is the birthstone for February, one of the most sought after crystals today and well known for its striking purple color. It's a variety of quartz, which is a hard, crystalline mineral made of silica. This stone is associated with Aquarius and Pisces in the zodiac.

  5. For individuals with February birthdays, the amethyst makes a perfect birthstone. February is often a cold, dark, and short month for many people around the world. Amethyst is a gorgeous, richly-colored gemstone, which is a beautiful contrast to this time of year.

  6. Amethyst is the birthstone of February and an important New Age gem. It is used to produce faceted stones, cabochons, beads, tumbled stones, and many other items for jewelry and ornamental use. Amethyst has a Mohs hardness of 7 and does not break by cleavage.

  7. Amethyst is purple quartz. It is a beautiful blend of violet and red that can be found in every corner of the world. The name comes from the Ancient Greek, derived from the word methustos, which means “intoxicated.” Ancient wearers believed the gemstone could protect them from drunkenness.

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