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  1. This time goes manly: 2087 Come go we to the King, our Power is ready, 2088 Our lacke is nothing but our leaue. Macbeth. 2089 Is ripe for sh aking, and the Powres aboue. 2090 Put on their In st ruments: Receiue what cheere you may, 2091 The Night is long, that neuer fi ndes the Day. Exeunt.

  2. Texts. Life & Times. Performance. Scene. Resources. Author: William Shakespeare. Editor: Anthony Dawson. Not Peer Reviewed. Edition: Macbeth.

  3. Macbeth (Folio 1, 1623) 347 Scena Quinta. 348 Enter Macbeths Wife alone with a Letter. 349 Lady. They met me in the day of successe: and I haue. 351 mortall knowledge. When I burnt in desire to question them. 352 further, they made themselues Ayre, into which they vanish'd.

  4. The First Folio is the first published collection of Shakespeare’s plays, produced seven years after his death. Its title is Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, and it groups his plays into those categories—comedies, histories, and tragedies—for the first time.

  5. › ff › macThe Bodleian First Folio

    The Tragedie of Macbeth. For in my way it lyes. Starres hide your fires, Let not Light see my black and deepe desires: The Eye winke at the Hand: yet let that bee, Which the Eye feares, when it is done to see. Exit. King.

  6. › wiki › First_FolioFirst Folio - Wikipedia

    Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies is a collection of plays by William Shakespeare, commonly referred to by modern scholars as the First Folio, [a] published in 1623, about seven years after Shakespeare's death. It is considered one of the most influential books ever published.

  7. Jul 31, 2015 · Synopsis: Macbeth, set primarily in Scotland, mixes witchcraft, prophecy, and murder. Three “Weïrd Sisters” appear to Macbeth and his comrade Banquo after a battle and prophesy that Macbeth will be king and that the descendants of Banquo will also reign.

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