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  1. Myth 1: He was a violent man. Las Casas spoke of Columbus’ “sweetness and benignity.”. Far from being a violent man, he often got into difficulties because he would be indulgent — toward natives and Spaniards — and would then take extreme measures against both when things got out of hand.

  2. Oct 8, 2015 · Kris Lane, professor of colonial Latin American history at Tulane University, busts five myths about the explorer. (Video: The Washington Post) As Columbus Day gives way to "fall break" and drops ...

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  4. Oct 2, 2018 · Another persistent myth about Columbus is that he was in the minority, or even alone, in believing that the earth was round. This is not merely a simplification used to embellish his story in children’s books; even scholars have been known to repeat this myth, suggesting that Columbus’s venture was so adamantly opposed at first because ignorant and narrow-minded officials in the Spanish ...

    • Columbus proved the “flat Earth” theory wrong. In an early scene in the 1992 Ridley Scott film “1492: Conquest of Paradise,” Columbus, played by Gérard Depardieu, gazes out at the Atlantic Ocean with his son.
    • Columbus was Italian. The National Italian American Foundation calls the Columbus Day parade in New York “the most visible and accessible manifestation of our Italian American Pride,” and Italian Americans have led efforts to oppose changes to the holiday’s focus nationwide.
    • Columbus was a successful businessman and a model leader. An early American archetype, Columbus has long served as a model entrepreneur. Columbus Day blog posts and articles have included “3 Business Lessons Learned from Christopher Columbus” and “5 Lessons in Leadership Effectiveness from Christopher Columbus.”
    • Columbus committed genocide. On Columbus Day in 1989, the late Native American activist Russell Means led an American Indian Movement protest, pouring buckets of fake blood over the Columbus statue in downtown Denver while Italian Americans paraded in the streets.
  5. Read for Understanding. As children, you may have heard stories or legends about an Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus. Some claim he "Discovered America." For indigenous people, this is believed to be a false narrative. In this learning resource, you will explore the Myth of Columbus and draw your own conclusions based on the facts ...

    • five myths about christopher columbus jr1
    • five myths about christopher columbus jr2
    • five myths about christopher columbus jr3
    • five myths about christopher columbus jr4
    • five myths about christopher columbus jr5
  6. Oct 8, 2015 · Christopher Columbus wasn't Italian? Kris Lane, professor of colonial Latin American history at Tulane University, busts five myths about the explorer.

  7. Oct 12, 2015 · When Christopher Columbus does come up in the media or the classroom, he is usually simply bashed or praised, depending on the viewpoint of the speaker. In either case, he remains more myth than man.

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