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  1. What's in the night sky tonight? Find out which planets, stars, Moon phases and meteor showers you can see this month.

  2. Sep 5, 2019 · The Park is about the many faces of desire, starting with the couples in frenzied tangles in the bushes, moving out to include the voyeurs who lie in wait in the dark, drawing closer, pulling aside branches, even clothes, to get a better look.

  3. Michael Wehunt lives in the lost city of Atlanta, where he wishes he had more time to read. His fiction has appeared in Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Cemetery Dance, and multiple best-of-the-year anthologies. His debut collection, Greener Pastures, was shortlisted for the IAFA Crawford Award and nominated for a Shirley Jackson Award. You can find […]

  4. Info Added by: Jace Hill Date Added: 2018-03-11 File URL is Upload Date and Time: 10/14/2013 21:34:37 ...

  5. Jun 23, 2016 · Each flash unit has a minimum distance that the subject has to be away from the flash in order to enjoy proper exposure. Macro flash units have a very small minimum distance. Normal flash units may have a three-foot minimum distance. Check your flash manual for the minimum distance, or your subject might be greatly overexposed.

  6. The dark twists and verticals of trunks began to peek through, shapes stumbling awkwardly through those damaged trees. He started to get up, wondering if he had a good place to hide, when a dozen or more children suddenly appeared, in drooping costumes and masks turned sideways across dusty faces, dragging their sagging treat bags between the ...

  7. Below we explain what causes flashes and floaters and when you should be concerned. What are flashes? Sometimes the jelly inside your eye shrinks a little and tugs on the retina (the light-sensitive layer) at the back of your eye. This can cause flashes of light at the edge of your vision.

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