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  1. Flatliners 2017 Film. Flatliners. Read the Script. Synopsis. Five medical students become fascinated with the concept of life after death and decide to conduct an experiment to explore it. They stop their own hearts for short periods of time in order to trigger near-death experiences, hoping to gain firsthand knowledge of what happens after we die.

  2. Flatliners (2017) - full transcript. Five medical students, obsessed by what lies beyond the confines of life, embark on a daring experiment: by stopping their hearts for short periods, each triggers a near-death experience - giving them a firsthand account of the afterlife.

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  4. Flatliners Script. Script Synopsis: Five medical students want to find out if there is life after death. They plan to stop one of their hearts for a few seconds, thus simulating death, and then bring the person back to life.

    • HER POV
    • LAUREN
    • LANE
    • LANE
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • EXT. MGH - DAWN
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • BRAD
    • KELLY
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • NURSE
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • EXT. MGH - NIGHT
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • EXT. MGH - NIGHT
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • WE LIFT UP
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • A 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE (O.S.)
    • JAMIE (CONT’D)
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • EXT. MGH - DAWN
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON (O.S.)
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • JUMP CUT
    • JUMP CUT
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • FATHER
    • JAMIE
    • FATHER
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • EXT. MGH - DAY
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • A TUNNEL
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA (O.S.)
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • 15-YEAR-OLD PRIYA (V.O.)
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • It’s JAMIE -- he’s hit -- tumbles up onto the windshield --
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • BRAD
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • SHOWER
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE (CONT’D)
    • RAMON
    • RAMON MARLO (nods)
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • BRAD
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • THUMP.
    • JAMIE (V.O.)
    • JAMIE (V.O.)
    • JAMIE (V.O.)
    • BOAT RADIO (O.S.)
    • BOAT RADIO (V.O.) (CONT’D)
    • ALEX
    • JAMIE
    • SCREAMS --
    • COURTNEY (V.O.)
    • A GURNEY -- out of nowhere -- it comes barrelling right at
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • THE PUB
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • JAMIE
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • PRIYA
    • PRIYA
    • IRINA (CONT’D)
    • IRINA (CONT’D)
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • HIS POV
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • RAMON (CONT’D)
    • JAMIE
    • It is you.
    • JAMIE (CONT’D)
    • JAMIE
    • ALICIA
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • BRAD
    • BRAD
    • RAMON
    • BRAD
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • MARLO
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • PRIYA
    • RAMON
    • JAMIE
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • RAMON
    • MARLO
    • MARLO
    • RAMON

    Niels Arden Oplev, Director Furthur Films Laurence Mark Productions

    Dark screen. We hear the SOUNDS of a BUSY CITY STREET. And FADE IN ON:

    Buildings. Traffic. Restaurants. Busy sidewalks. Normalcy. SUDDENLY

    Random woman. Stricken down. Right there on the sidewalk. She’s CONVULSING now. It’s a VIOLENT SEIZURE. Her eyes rolled back. Limbs rigid. Her whole body possessed. Every muscle constricting. Something inhuman and ghastly about it.

    HER BLURRED SIGHT -- strangers rushing up to help -- their mouths moving but the sound all muffled -- And it’s hopeless. She’s dying. We’re pulling back. Senses closing down -- drawing away from the world and --

    The whine of the FLATLINE TONE. On it goes... five seconds... six... then a TITLE -- small -- in one corner -- flatliners VOICES OVERLAPPING now -- washing in and out of coherence -- a TRAUMA TEAM at work -- tense -- fast -- as we remain in COMPLETE DARKNESS -- --DOCTOR #1 (V.O.) -- let’s start a line -- one milligram epinephrine stat --

    Later. Calm now. LAUREN -- the woman who collapsed on the street -- she’s lying in a bed. Awake but pale and shaken. Her vital signs track across monitors.

    Hello, Lauren. How are you feeling? COURTNEY here. She’s 26. All the gear of a third-year medical student -- white coat, phone, stethoscope. Her pager an old-school touch -- necessary because it gets reception everywhere in the hospital. Pockets crammed with sheets of patient data. Her eyes are locked on Lauren. A gentle but insistent examin...

    Courtney leaving Lauren’s room -- and right into a crush of activity. Staff swirling about. Intercom’s droning on. And Courtney pulling out her stack of patient files to write up notes -- and her pager buzzing insistently when -- Suddenly. Her hand. It’s Lauren. The orderlies have wheeled Lauren out here and she’s taken hold of Courtney’s han...

    My grandmother’s face. That’s what I saw. Courtney silent. Struck by that. And she wants more, needs to ask Lauren a dozen follow-up questions -- But they’re wheeling Lauren away, off into the tumult of the busy hospital and --

    think we already had the breakup scene, Lane.

    Well, they did. You graduated with honors. An epidemiology fellowship in Porton Down.

    Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a whole year and a half left here. I’ll do my best.

    So you’re really okay, then? He’s almost hopeful there. Ready to say a fond farewell. Courtney about to let it pass, but --

    Do you want me to forgive you for ending it? Is that it? So you can move on with only good memories? Courtney looks down at her pager, like it’s gone off. COURTNEY (CONT’D) Gotta go now. Bye, Lane. Her easy smile. This is how it ends. Lane dismayed.

    Okay, well... take care of the cat. I always liked her.

    Actually, it’s a him. A little wave, then she breezes off the other way. She rounds a corner, out of Lane’s sight, and stops there. Pockets her pager. Shuts her eyes. Feeling the ache of abandonment. And then it’s back to work, rejoining the swirl of responsibilities.

    Ultra hi-tech. Screens everywhere. Several patient rooms arrayed around a central nurses’ station hub. Glass walls allow for visual monitoring of each patient, all of whom are hooked up to vital sign sensors.

    Actually, I’m the one on duty. The paramedic leaving the room. Ramon trying to block Marlo out as he examines the patient. It’s a constant contest of one-upsmanship between the two of them.

    Seizure meds won’t do any good. Whatever’s wrong is in his spinal column, not his brain.

    The medical protocol of actually living in the real world where guys like him with crappy HMOs go undiagnosed for spinal injuries.

    Actually, he’s on seizure meds. Which is the medical protocol of reading his chart. Suddenly -- ALARMS from the monitors. Bad news. The patient’s vital signs plunging --

    Shit. Both of them jolted -- and now two ICU NURSES rushing in here -- and the NEUROLOGY RESIDENT not far behind --

    -- what is it? -- ICU NURSE -- respiratory failure -- NEUROLOGY RESIDENT -- he might be hemorrhaging -- page surgery -- call a code -- (shoving Marlo and Ramon aide) -- students clear the room --

    Marlo and Ramon ejected out here. Heading their separate ways but can’t resist a few parting shots --

    Piece of advice, Ramon? Gut instinct diagnoses rarely pan out.

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

    How much did you hear of what I said to you in your flatline? She thinks about that. Then reaches up... and kisses him. Just the two of them there, holding each other, holding that kiss. THE END

  5. Jun 1, 2012 · Flatliners Script Resources: Flatliners Script PDF at Script Slug; Flatliners Script PDF - [BEN RIPLEY][10/9/2014] at Script Fly ($) Flatliners Script PDF - REVISED DRAFT. 6/1/2012. at Script City ($) Flatliners Transcript at

  6. Jun 1, 2012 · Flatliners (2017) Script. Year: 2017. Director: Niels Arden Oplev. Written by: Ben Ripley (Screenplay), Peter Filardi (Story) Script Synopsis: Five medical students, hoping to understand the mystery of what lies beyond life, embark on a dangerous experiment. When their hearts are stopped for a short period of time, they have a near-death ...

  7. Flatliners. (2017 film) Flatliners is a 2017 American science fiction psychological horror film directed by Niels Arden Oplev and written by Ben Ripley. A stand-alone sequel to and remake of the 1990 film of the same name, it stars Elliot Page, [a] Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton, and Kiersey Clemons.

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