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  1. It's a great icon-based font that's very commonly paired-up with Bootstrap-based web projects. It has a library of 605 icons—larger than the 200 native Bootstrap 3 glyphicons —and can also unlock unique features like flipped, stacked or rotated icons (and much more).

  2. Font Awesome 6.5.2 Enjoy this cheat sheet at its fullest within Dash, the macOS documentation browser. Guide

  3. All of the Font Awesome icons and unicode, organised into groups. This cheat sheet updates automatically from the GitHub repository, so will represent the latest version of Font Awesome. You can copy and paste icons from here.

  4. Every Font Awesome 4.7.0 Icon, CSS Class, & Unicode fa-500px [] 4.4 fa-address-book [] 4.7 fa-address-book-o 4.7 [] fa-address-card [] 4.7 fa-address-card-o [] 4.7 fa-adjust [] fa-adn [] fa-align-center [] fa-align-justify []

  5. Font Awesome 5 Pro's Cheatsheet. After you're set up on the desktop or in code, quickly copy and paste the glyph, name, or unicode value of any icon. Regular Icons. abacus. address-card. alarm-clock. alicorn.

  6. Set Font Awesome icon family "Font Awesome 6 Free" "Font Awesome 6 Pro" "Font Awesome 6 Duotone" "Font Awesome 6 Brands" "Font Awesome 6 Sharp"--fa-style: Set Font Awesome icon style: Any valid Font Awesome style weight--fa-display: Set display of an icon: Any valid CSS display value--fa-inverse: Set color of an inverted icon: Any valid CSS ...

  7. › Fork-Awesome › cheatsheetFont Awesome Cheatsheet

    Cheatsheet. The complete Font Awesome icon reference. Spread OK Toot OK Tweet Every 1.2.0 Icon, CSS Class, & Unicode fa-500px []

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