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    Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

  2. › intl › jaGoogle

    Google 検索は次の言語でもご利用いただけます: English

  3. › webhpGoogle

    Google is the world's leading search engine that offers various tools and features to help you find any information you need. Whether you want to search in English or Japanese, browse maps, or access your Gmail account, Google has it all. Visit Google today and explore the web with ease.

  4. 日本における Google のインパクトについて知る - Google. デジタルの力で解き放とう、日本の可能性. 日本の皆様とともに、持続可能で責任あるデジタル化を。 最も信頼され、最も貢献できるローカルパートナーを目指して. 2001 年の日本オフィス開設以来、Google は、テクノロジーを通じて社会の課題解決を目指し、日本の皆様の生活をより良くしていくという目標に向かってきました。 日本にはまだまだ眠っている有形・無形の資産があり、大きな可能性があります。 それを発揮する障壁となっている課題をデジタルの力で解決し、チャンスに変えることで日本の可能性を開花させることに Google は貢献していきたいと考えています。 20周年を記念したビデオ.

    • google japan search engine1
    • google japan search engine2
    • google japan search engine3
    • google japan search engine4
    • google japan search engine5
    • Top Search Engines in Japan: Recent Trends & Past Data
    • Top Search Engines in Japan: Differences Between Google vs. Yahoo! Japan vs Bing
    • What Is The Most Popular Search Engine in Japan?


    In 1996, Yahoo! JAPAN was established with an investment from Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son. With the proliferation of PCs and mobile devices, Yahoo! JAPAN rapidly expanded its user base, especially as the default browser for mobile devices. In 2000, Google entered the Japanese market, already known as a powerful search engine worldwide, and quickly expanded its market share in Japan. In 2001, Yahoo! JAPAN adopted Google’s search technology, allowing it to leverage Google’s advanced algorithms w...


    Japan’s search engine market share (desktop): From 2019 to 2024 (as of June 2024) The desktop search engine market share in Japan has shown significant fluctuations from 2019 to the present. Google has consistently maintained a high market share of over 70% since 2019 and still holds approximately 71% as of 2024. Google’s dominance can be attributed to its continuous algorithm updates and user-first approach. However, a notable shift has occurred between Bing and Yahoo! JAPAN. In 2021, Yahoo!...

    There are key differences between Google, Yahoo! JAPAN and Bing, the three top Japanese search engines.

    To optimize your online presence in Japan, it is crucial to understand the search engine market there. Google stands out as the top search engine in Japan, accounting for over 78% of search engine usage. Therefore, focusing your SEO and advertising efforts on Google is a strategically sound approach. While Google Japan holds the title of the most p...

  5. While search trends change all the time, several general trends emerge when looking at activity on Google search in Japan. We can discover these by looking at data provided by the Google Trends tool as well as using keyword research and online performance tools like SEMRush and Mongools.

  6. Google is the most used search engine worldwide, and this is also the case in Japan. Google managed to become Japan’s principal search engine, a spot previously held by Yahoo, by focusing...

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