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  1. Apollinaire's works, from his visual poems to pornographic novels like Les onze mille verges ( The Debauched Hospodar ), as well as his flamboyant personality, present numerous examples of those artistic traits which led the Surrealists and other literary experimentalists to claim him as one of their predecessors.

  2. Analysis (ai): Apollinaire's "Mirabeau Bridge" presents a nostalgic reflection on the ephemeral nature of love and time. The poem's simplicity and repetitive refrain contrast with the depth of its themes. Compared to Apollinaire's other works, it lacks his characteristic symbolism and Cubist influences.

  3. Selected Poems, trans. Martin Sorrell (Oxford University Press, 2015) In popular culture. French composer Francis Poulenc has set Apollinaire's poems to music in his five-part song cycle Banalités (1940), which in turned inspired Pink Martini's song Sympathique (je ne veux pas travailler in 1997.

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  5. The Mirabeau Bridge. ( Alcools: Le Pont Mirabeau ) Under the Mirabeau flows the Seine. And our amours. Shall I remember it again. Joy always followed after Pain. Comes the night sounds the hour. The days go by I endure. Hand in hand rest face to face.

  6. 1909. La dame avait une robe. En ottoman violine. Et sa tunique brodée d’or. Était ( continuer...) Guillaume Apollinaire, Beauté, La femme. À l’Italie. À Ardengo Soffici. L'amour a remué ma vie comme on remue la terre dans la ( continuer...) À la partie la plus gracieuse. Toi qui regardes sans sourire. Et de face en tournant le dos.

  7. Apollinaire’s first collection of poetry, L’enchanteur pourrissant, was published in 1909, and his reputation as a poet was established in 1913 with the publication of the collection Alcools: Poèmes. Apollinaire was an important part of several avant-garde movements in French literature and art at the start of the twentieth century.

  8. You pray all night in the school chapel. Meanwhile an eternal adorable amethyst depth. Christ’s flamboyant halo spins forever. Behold the beautiful lily of worship. Behold the red-haired torch inextinguishable. Behold the pale son and scarlet of the dolorous Mother. Behold the tree forever tufted with prayer.

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