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  1. Hermann Hesse. /  45.989438, 8.927287. Hermann Hesse, nado en Calw ( Alemaña) o 2 de xullo de 1877 e finado en Montagnola ( Suíza) o 9 de agosto de 1962, foi un escritor e filósofo suízo, de orixe alemá, gañador do Premio Nobel de Literatura o ano 1946.

  2. Talk:Hermann Hesse. Talk. : Hermann Hesse. Hermann Hesse has been listed as a level-4 vital article in People. If you can improve it, please do. This article has been rated as C-Class by WikiProject Vital Articles. This article is of interest to the following WikiProjects : WikiProject Biography / Arts and Entertainment.

  3. Journey to the East. Journey to the East is a short novel by German author Hermann Hesse. It was first published in German in 1932 as Die Morgenlandfahrt. This novel came directly after his biggest international success, Narcissus and Goldmund .

  4. Hermann Karl Hesse, pseudonim: Emil Sinclair [18] (n. 2 iulie 1877, Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germania – d. 9 august 1962, Montagnola ⁠ (d), Cantonul Ticino, Elveția) scriitor german, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru Literatură pe anul 1946. Este faimos pentru romanele sale Lupul de stepă (Der Steppenwolf, 1927), Jocul cu mărgele de ...

  5. Journey to the East. Narcissus and Goldmund ( German: Narziß und Goldmund, pronounced [naʁˈtsɪs ʔʊnt ˈɡɔltmʊnt] ), also published in English as Death and the Lover, is a novel written by the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse which was first published in 1930. At its publication, Narcissus and Goldmund was considered Hesse's literary ...

  6. Hermann Karl Hesse, írói álneve: Emil Sinclair ( Calw, 1877. július 2. – Svájc, Montagnola, 1962. augusztus 9.) irodalmi Nobel-díjas német-svájci író, költő és festő, az újromantika kimagasló képviselője. A 20. század művelődéstörténetének egyik legnagyobb hatású alakja. Jelentős nyomot hagyott nemcsak a német ...

  7. Hermann Hesse před rokem 1931. Hermann Hesse ( 2. července 1877 Calw, Švábsko, Německo – 9. srpna 1962 Montagnola, Švýcarsko) byl německo - švýcarský prozaik, básník a esejista, nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu za rok 1946 .

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