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  1. HERI’s goal is to continue to improve and provide the best possible services with timely and relevant data to best inform higher education policies and research that matter most to the higher education community.

  2. In 2023, the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies (UCLA Ed&IS) and the American Council on Education (ACE) partnered to strengthen and lead the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI). Today, HERI is the longest running, most comprehensive data collection of institutes of higher education, including data on more than 1,900 ...

  3. The Higher Education Research Institute ( HERI) serves as an interdisciplinary center for research, evaluation, information, policy studies, and research training in post-secondary education.

    • About The CIRP Freshman Survey
    • Administering The Survey
    • Web Survey Features
    • Survey Fees
    • Withdrawal Policy

    The CIRP Freshman Survey is designed for administration to incoming first-year students before they start classes at your institution. The instrument collects extensive information that allows for a snapshot of what your incoming students are like before they experience college. Key sections of the survey examine: 1. Established behaviors in high s...

    Administration is available between April 14, 2024, and October 10, 2024. The CIRP Freshman Survey is conducted before students start their college careers, and is available as early as mid-April and as late as October. Most campuses conduct the survey during orientation and allow about one hour for survey administration.The best results occur when...

    HERI-managed email services– HERI can send customizable email notifications (including reminders) to students
    Customizable “Welcome” and “Thank you” Screens– campuses can provide additional background about how the campus might use the survey data
    Additional questions– institutions can customize up to 20 closed-ended survey items appended at the end of the instrument

    The combined survey administration and registration fee is calculated based on total full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate enrollment (for student surveys) or full-time faculty (faculty/staff survey) with information obtained from the IPEDS database on September 1, 2021. You can find the survey fees for your institution by searching on our prici...

    For Administrations If the URL(s) have already been sent to the institution or distributed via HERI’s email distribution service to the sample of intended survey participants, the campus will forfeit the full $1,000 registration deposit. In addition, if HERI has provided any customized services at your request (e.g., incorporated on-line additional...

  4. The Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (SIHER) is home to sponsored research projects and programs that examine contemporary higher education planning and policy issues from a wide range of analytical perspectives, including those of social scientists, policy makers, and institutional leaders within the United States and ...

  5. Jul 26, 2023 · Washington (July 26, 2023) —The American Council on Education (ACE) and the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies (UCLA Ed&IS) today announced a new partnership to strengthen and lead the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI).

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  7. The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) is one of the premier educational research and policy organizations in the country. Housed at CRESST at UCLA, the institute is an...

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