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  1. Mirigana helps you learn the pronunciation of Kanji by annotating the furigana in each tweet. Note: This extension only works on Features: 1. You can choose builtin or online engine...

  2. Furigana (振り仮名) is chrome extension that convert kanji (japanese text) to furigana, that is a japanese text with small hints above each word how to pronounce it. For known words it also displays english meaning of the word. It uses my own dictionary-based kanji tokenizer. Data are from EDICT dictionary plus my own data.

  3. Overview. Add furigana to Japanese text on any page for learning kanji pronunciation. Features: 1. By default, furigana is automatically added to many common Japanese websites, such as Twitter,...

  4. Our Parsing Accuracy We are focused on Japanese to begin with which allows us to focus on creating a great parser specifically for Japanese. So far, we've been making sure our parser is accurate in the way we break down subtitles (e.g. such as the way we're parsing conjugations and surfacing part of speech).

  5. Kana type: Hiragana. Katakana. 10000 characters left. Make furigana for any Japanese word, phrase, sentence, or text. Add furigana (hiragana over kanji words) to any kanji. Helps when reading unknown or rare kanji words.

  6. This extension simply adds furigana of kanji above them! And what's even better is the personalization of this extension : - You can choose to exclude certain kanji by level. - You can display the furigana of a kanji only the first time you encounter it. It is this feature that is very useful. It allows you to have the furigana the first time ...

  7. About. This app was developed with a help from the folks at /r/learnJapanese where the Reddit community helped generate over 18,000 examples of Hiragana characters. This resulted in a lot of material to train the artificial inteligence algorithm which powers Furiousgana. To everyone who contributed, thank you! There is a post on Reddit with ...

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