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  1. Santa María Goretti. (Corinaldo, Ancona, 1890 - Nettuno, 1902) Joven italiana que fue canonizada por la virtud de su vida y por haber muerto mártir por conservar su pureza. Su familia, cristiana y muy humilde, vivía de la práctica de la agricultura en una pequeña propiedad que poseía en su localidad natal. Santa María Goretti.

  2. Santa Maria Goretti, Protetora da juventude e do perdão. Conheça a história, milagres, oração, devoção e medalhas de Santa Maria Goretti.

  3. Una santa que prefirió morir antes que ofender a Dios. Un poco de historia... Santa María Goretti nació en 1890 en Italia. Su padre, campesino, enfermó de malaria y murió. Una tarde, María ...

  4. Feb 14, 2021 · Santa Maria Goretti foi uma virgem, martir, com muitos milagres após a morte. Ela nasceu em 16 de outubro de 1890 na cidade de Corinaldo, Itália , filha de um fazendeiro, Luiggi Goretti que mudou-se com a família para Ferriere di Conca, perto de Anzio.

    • Biography of Saint Maria Goretti
    • The Story of Alessandro After Maria's Death
    • Prayers to Saint Maria Goretti

    Maria Goretti, nicknamed Mariette, was born on October 16th, 1890 in Corinaldo. Her father was dead and she lived with her mother and siblings in the same house as their neighbors, a crippled man and his 17-year-old son. While her mother and brothers worked in the fields, Maria took care of the house and the younger ones. On July 5th, 1902, when Ma...

    During the trial of Alessandro, Assunta Goretti, Maria's mother, said, “Mr. President, I forgive him from the bottom of my heart.” Alessandro was sentenced to 30 years in prison, having escaped life imprisonment only because he was a minor. Alessandro Serenelli was incarcerated in Noto Penitentiary in Sicily. He was a difficult prisoner, feared by ...

    Pray for a Grace

    Child of God, you who experienced misery and pain, suffering and the joys of life at an early age. You who have been poor and orphaned, you who have tirelessly loved your neighbor by making you a humble and hasty servant, you who have been brave without being proud, you who have loved love above all else, you who have shed your blood so as not to betray your God, you who have forgiven your murderer desiring paradise for him, intervene and pray for us to the Father so that we accept the plan t...

    Prayers to Saint Maria Goretti, Patroness of Purity

    Saint Maria Goretti You who, strengthened by the grace of God, did not hesitate, even the age of twelve to shed your blood and sacrifice your life to defend your virgin purity, look at the unfortunate human race that has strayed away from the path of eternal salvation. Teach us all, and especially the young, with what courage and speed we must flee, for the sake of Jesus, everything that can offend Him or defile our souls with sin. Get us from the Lord the victory in temptation, the comfort i...

  5. Apr 21, 2024 · Saint Maria Goretti is a name revered in Catholicism and is recognized as a symbol of purity, forgiveness, and martyrdom. As one of the youngest canonized saints, her story is a testament to the power of faith, forgiveness, and the strength of the human spirit.

  6. Jul 6, 2024 · El papa Pío XII quiso que Maríita fuera proclamada santa el 24 de junio de 1940. Hoy día el santuario de la Virgen de las Gracias en Neptuno, que custodia sus restos mortales es una meta constante de peregrinaciones.

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