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  1. May 6, 2014 · In the 1890s, Small simple cameras. Harold Edgerton’s electronic. After World War. History of photography ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  2. HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Photography is our visual link to history! How old is photography? From its beginning as a technological. experiment, it has grown into one of. the most important...

  3. Sep 4, 2014 · Sep 04, 2014. 2.48k likes | 4.82k Views. The History of Photography. Camera Obscura. From the 4 th century AD to the early 1700s, the camera obscura or dark chamber or pinhole camera was the only method of taking photographs. Camera Obscura. Heliographs & Niepce ( Neeps ). Download Presentation. plate. dry plate. paper negative. metal plate.

  4. Cover a photography innovation from the “Digital Age” of photography (between 1983-Present) Contain key details of this innovation and how it changed the field of photography, but be presented in a clear, concise format Include at least one relevant image Contain the URL(s) (size 8 font) of wherever you got your information

  5. Photography Photography took several hundred years to reach it’s present state. No one person can be credited with. Origins Chinese and Greek philosophers describe principles of cameras and optics.

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