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  1. The history of Slovakia dates back to the findings of ancient human artifacts. This article shows the history of the country from prehistory to the present day.

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    Slovakia became an independent state on 1 January 1993 after the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia, sometimes referred to as the Velvet Divorce. Slovakia is a developed country with an advanced high-income economy.

    • Overview
    • The Velvet Divorce and the creation of the Slovak state
    • The path to the European Union and Slovakia in the 21st century

    history of Slovakia, a survey of important events and people in the history of Slovakia from 1993 to the present. For earlier history of the area, including Czechoslovakia, see Czechoslovak history.

    The Slovak Republic came into being on January 1, 1993, following the dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation. That event was dubbed the “Velvet Divorce,” echoing the 1989 Velvet Revolution that brought an end to communism in Czechoslovakia. The new prime minister, Vladimír Mečiar, and his Czech counterpart, Václav Klaus, had been among the strongest proponents of separation, but their enthusiasm did not extend to the general populace. Although a renewed sense of national pride welled up in Slovakia, so too did a feeling of apprehension about the republic’s future. This sense of uneasiness was manifested in the large numbers of Slovaks who began applying for Czech citizenship immediately after partition.

    Slovakia had generally been perceived as the junior partner in the federation, but that arrangement had provided the republic with a degree of political security and economic stability that became less certain with independence. Long-standing political differences and tensions with neighbouring countries that had been suppressed during the period of Soviet hegemony reemerged. Notable among these were Hungary’s concerns about the future of the large Hungarian minority in southern Slovakia. In addition, economic forecasts for Slovakia were generally less optimistic than those for the Czech Republic. Slovakia inherited an economy dependent on large-scale but obsolete heavy industry, and the country faced rising unemployment and poor prospects for foreign investment. Furthermore, since Czechs had long dominated the federal leadership of Czechoslovakia, Slovak regional leaders lacked experience at the national level.

    In February 1993 Michal Kováč, the deputy chairman of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (Hnutie Za Democratické Slovensko; HZDS), became president of the republic. Difficulties immediately arose in maintaining a coalition government, with the result that the HZDS and the rather autocratic figure of Mečiar tended to dominate. Mečiar favoured a brand of populist nationalism that left Slovakia’s minorities at a disadvantage. He was not overly interested either in forging alliances with western Europe or in tolerating dissenting voices from the opposition parties. In March 1994 Mečiar lost a vote of confidence and was forced to resign. A new five-party interim coalition headed by a new prime minister, Jozef Moravčík, adopted a policy of closer alignment with western Europe.

    In the September 1994 elections, however, the HZDS regained power, and Mečiar was reinstalled as prime minister. In mid-December he formed a coalition composed of the HZDS, the right-wing Slovak National Party, and the leftist Association of Workers of Slovakia. Once back in office, Mečiar attempted to recentralize state authority by blocking further privatization of state-owned companies. In addition, the rivalry between Mečiar and Kováč, who had never seen eye to eye, deepened. The Mečiar government’s stance toward Slovakia’s minorities and its tenuous commitment to democratic principles did not go unnoticed by the international community, and in March 1995, under pressure from Western powers, Slovakia and Hungary signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, in which the Slovak government pledged to protect minority rights. The commitment was called into question, however, when in November the government made Slovak the republic’s official language, a move that caused great consternation among the nation’s Hungarian minority. The Hungarian government declared the policy to be in violation of the treaty. Throughout 1996 there was increasing concern over the Mečiar government’s antidemocratic direction, which included a so-called antisubversion law that would curb freedom of expression, which Kováč refused to sign. The law later passed in an amended form.

    In June 1997 a European Union–Slovakia parliamentary committee made it clear that, in order for Slovakia to qualify for EU membership, the government would have to make adjustments in its policy toward the opposition and its treatment of minorities. Kováč and Mečiar agreed to the stipulations in October. However, at an EU summit held in December, it became evident that Slovakia would not be among the first wave of former Soviet-bloc countries admitted to the union.

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    During the early part of 1998 several attempts to elect a new president failed, and on March 2, when Kováč’s term expired, a number of presidential duties devolved to Mečiar, in accordance with the Slovak constitution. Mečiar immediately made several unilateral decisions that clearly benefited his own interests. His actions, condemned by the EU and the United States, spawned a series of protests in Slovakia. The country remained without a president for much of the year. Parliamentary elections held in September resulted in the removal of the HZDS from power. A four-party coalition composed of the centre-right Slovak Democratic Coalition, the Party of the Democratic Left, the centre-left Party of Civic Understanding, and the Party of the Hungarian Coalition took over the reins of government, with Mikuláš Dzurinda, the chairman of the Slovak Democratic Coalition, as prime minister.

    Mečiar offered his name as a presidential candidate in the election held on May 29, 1999, but he was defeated decisively by Rudolf Schuster, a member of the Carpathian-German minority and the chairman of the Party for Civic Understanding. The new ruling coalition declared its intention to ready the country for membership in the EU and NATO, to take measures to halt environmental degradation, and to crack down on organized crime, which had become an increasingly worrisome problem in the latter part of the 1990s. The coalition also introduced a wide-ranging austerity program intended to arrest Slovakia’s economic decline. The program met with a wave of protests and strikes but was favourably received by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which Slovakia joined in 2000.

    Political difficulties continued into the 21st century, but the economy began to turn around, and the government continued the privatization of state-owned industries. After parliamentary elections in 2002, Dzurinda retained his post as prime minister. The new centre-right ruling coalition approved additional economic and social reforms but lost its parliamentary majority in 2003. The year 2004 was a momentous one, as the country joined both NATO and the EU. Ivan Gašparovič of the Movement for Democracy party defeated Mečiar in the presidential election that year, and the economy continued to grow. Parliamentary elections in 2006 resulted in yet another coalition of ruling parties, with the leader of the populist party Smer, Robert Fico, becoming prime minister. Slovakia did not escape the global economic downturn that began in 2008, but public support for Prime Minister Fico remained high, thanks partly to Slovakia’s adoption of the euro at the beginning of 2009. It was the second country in the former communist bloc (after Slovenia) to do so. That April Gašparovič defeated Iveta Radičová, of the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (SDKU), to be reelected president. A significant issue leading up to the June 2010 parliamentary elections was the question of Slovakia’s role in the bailout of debt-laden euro zone countries. The four-party centre-right coalition government that emerged from those elections was headed by Radičová, who became the first woman to serve as Slovakia’s prime minister. In August 2010 the Slovak parliament refused to pay the €816 million ($1.1 billion) that constituted the country’s share of the bailout fund for Greece organized by the EU and the International Monetary Fund. Slovak politicians argued that their country was one of the poorest in the euro zone and should not be expected to finance the mismanagement of its richer neighbours. This sentiment came to the fore in October 2011, when a no-confidence vote over the expansion of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone’s primary bailout mechanism, toppled the Radičová government. After the government’s collapse, Radičová opened talks with Smer, and Fico pledged his support for the EFSF in exchange for early elections.

  3. 5 days ago · Slovakia - History, Culture, People: For earlier history of the area, including Czechoslovakia, see Czechoslovak region, history of. The Slovak Republic came into being on January 1, 1993, following the dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation. The new prime minister, Vladimír Mečiar, and his Czech counterpart, Václav Klaus, had been among ...

  4. History. The Celts started to settle since 450 BC. The coins named Biatec represent the first use of writing in Slovakia. After the time of the Julio-Claudian dynasty many different Germanic tribes like Quadi and Marcomanni started to overtake the area. The Roman Empire established many outposts along the Danube river.

  5. History of Bratislava - Wikipedia. Bratislava (Hungarian: Pozsony, German: Preßburg/Pressburg), currently the capital of Slovakia and the country's largest city, has existed for about a thousand years.

  6. Secession had created the first Slovak state in history. [49] The government of the First Slovak Republic, led by Jozef Tiso and Vojtech Tuka, was strongly influenced by Germany and gradually became a puppet regime in many respects. Troops of Slovak anti-Nazi resistance movement in 1944.

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