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  1. Top results related to hive cast as string

  2. Feb 7, 2023 · Hive CAST(from_datatype as to_datatype) function is used to convert from one data type to another for example to cast String to Integer (int), String to Bigint, String to Decimal, Decimal to Int data types, and many more. This cast () function is referred to as the type conversion function which is used to convert data types in Hive. In this ...

  3. Dec 3, 2010 · 4. Let's say you have a column 'birth_day' in your table which is in string format, you should use the following query to filter using birth_day. date_Format(birth_day, 'yyyy-MM-dd') You can use it in a query in the following way. select * from yourtable. where. date_Format(birth_day, 'yyyy-MM-dd') = '2019-04-16';

    Usage example

    from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('12-03-2010' , 'dd-MM-yyyy'))
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  5. Sep 30, 2019 · Hive CAST function converts the value of an expression to any other type. The result of the function will be NULL in case if function cannot converts to particular data type. You can use this function when passing a column value or literal to a function that expects a parameter with a different data type. CAST (<from-type> AS <to-type>);

  6. The Apache Hive CAST function is a type conversion function that converts data types from one to another. It can convert a string to an integer, an integer to a decimal, a string to a date, and a date to a timestamp, among other things. For a better understanding, look at the examples below. Test Data: SELECT * FROM testdate; Result: Date1 Date2.

  7. One of the commonly used functions in RDBMS is the CAST function, which helps to transform the expression of one data type to another data type. It’s also available in Apache Hive and Apache Impala. The below are the scenarios when we use CAST function. 1) If the date information has to be converted to a string.

  8. Aug 31, 2021 · Hive 0.11 and 0.12 have the precision of the DECIMAL type fixed and limited to 38 digits. As of Hive 0.13 users can specify scale and precision when creating tables with the DECIMAL datatype using a DECIMAL(precision, scale) syntax. If scale is not specified, it defaults to 0 (no fractional digits).

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