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  1. In nearly all George Sand's loves there was a strong strain of motherly feeling. Chopin was first petted by her like a spoilt darling and then nursed for years like a sick child. During this, her second period, George Sand allowed herself to be the mouthpiece of others - " un echo qui embellissait la voix," as Delatouche expressed it.

  2. George Sand was the pseudonym of Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin (1804–1876), a foremost figure of the French Romantic movement. She was celebrated not only for her prolific literary output but for donning men’s clothes, smoking in public, and conducting amorous affairs outside her marriage to François Casimir Dudevant (1795–1871), a man one decade her senior whom she had wed in 1822

  3. GEORGE SAND A LAW UNTO HEESELF BY FLORENCE LEFTWICH RAVENEL" The word genius, when once it has been uttered with respect to a woman, seems straightway to draw upon her the eyes of all mankind?and not without reason. For a woman of genius?even if her claims be not universally acknowledged, is yet too rare an apparition in our world

  4. “When I leave the hospital two months from now,” she told an interviewer, “there are three things I want to do: paint, paint, paint.” And that is what she did. While convalescing at home in 1951, she painted Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor Farill , a secular retablo in which Kahlo, seated in her wheelchair, is the saved person ...

  5. Oct 5, 2020 · That strategy had two advantages: First, it provided a platform to flesh out George’s personality in her voice, and second, it allowed me to recount important facts about Sand’s relationship with Chopin when the tuner wasn’t around. I left Nohant that late September day feeling that George Sand was a profoundly sensitive and creative person.

  6. Dec 20, 2022 · "The Secret History" was published 30 years ago — and ever since, fans have been looking for a follow-up that delivers the same intoxicating blend of mystery, mythology, tight-knit friend groups ...

  7. Jan 1, 1999 · Belinda Jack is Fellow and Tutor in French at Christ Church, University of Oxford. She features regularly in the press and media thanks to the popularity and insight of her published works, including books such as The Woman Reader, George Sand: A Woman’s Life Writ Large and Negritude and Literary Criticism: The History and Theory of "Negro-African" Literature in French.