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  1. Aug 23, 2006 · We have not come across a narration of the Prophet which clarifies the number of children of Aadam. but the history books mentioned that he had 40 children. Ibn Al-Jawzi said: " Hawaa' (Eve) gave birth to 40 children, boys and girls, from Aadam, in twenty pregnancies, and it is said that she was giving birth to twins each time, a boy and a girl.

  2. CONCLUSION. In conclusion, we can say that, according to the explanation given in the books of Tafsir, God did permit inter-marrying of siblings during the first generations of man. This was carried out by the female of one pregnancy marrying the male of another pregnancy and vice versa. These couples would procreate and have children, which ...

  3. Feb 6, 2005 · Number of children a Muslim can have. 90092 2-6-2005 - Rabee' Al-Aakhir 25, 1426. 282.

  4. Answer. The prophet (peace be upon him) had seven children, three sons and four daughters. Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Qulsum and Fatimah (ridhwanullahi alaihim ajma’in) were born before hijrah from the prophet’s first wife Ummul Mumineen Khadija radhiyallahu anha. His last child Abdullah was born in the 8th year of hijrah to Mariyya ...

  5. Jan 14, 2016 · So his age when he married Faatimah was twenty-five years old approximately. Then, after the death of Faatimah he married other wives, among whom were: 1. Umm Al-Baneen bint Haraam Al-Kalbiyyah. He had the following children with her: Al-‘Abbaas, Ja'far, ‘Abdullaah and ‘Uthmaan. They were all killed with Al-Husayn, may Allaah be pleased ...

  6. Sep 18, 2016 · We have not come across any absolute evidence that deals with the issue of the number of Prophet Moosa's ( Moses) wives and children in detail, but it is Islamically confirmed that he married the daughter of the man of Madyan (Midian), as Allaah says when mentioning this story (what means): { He said: Indeed, I wish to wed you one of these, my ...

  7. A. Regarding this, Hafiz Ibn Katheer has stated that ‘Imam Abu Jafar bin Jarir has mentioned in his book of history, ‘Eve gave birth to forty children in twenty pregnancies. In another version it is suggested that she had one hundred and twenty pregnancies, and in every birth there was one boy and one girl.’ (Al Bidayah wan Nihayah- by ...

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