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  1. When to use passé composé and not imparfait. The primary situations to use passé composé is to describe distinct, singular actions that occurred in the past. For example: “He swam yesterday.” → Il a nagé hier. Passé composé is also used when describing repeated actions in the past, if they occurred a specific number of times.

  2. Mar 19, 2024 · Imparfait vs. passé composé. Passé composé is used to describe specific events that occurred at a particular time and have already finished. These events have a clear start and end. The imparfait is often used to express incomplete actions or those that were ongoing over a period in the past.

  3. Mar 15, 2022 · Imparfait. Several nouns and prepositions indicate that something is a habit. I have already listed some of them in the exercises in this article. However, let’s look at another example: Je jouais au foot tous les jours; I was playing football everyday; Sometimes we can even indicate literally that something is a habit in the sentence. For ...

  4. Imparfait de l'indicatif. L' imparfait de l'indicatif exprime un fait ou une action qui a déjà eu lieu au moment où nous nous exprimons mais qui peut encore se dérouler. Exemple : Quand tu étais enfant, tu étais timide. L'imparfait est souvent utilisé pour décrire une scène, un paysage. Exemple : Le soleil descendait derrière la montagne.

  5. Bildung. Die Bildung des imparfait ist super simpel. Bei den regelmäßigen Verben nimmst du den Präsensstamm der 1. Person Plural (nous) und hängst diese Endungen daran: Endungen des imparfait: - ais, - ais, - ait, - ions, - iez, - aient. Die Endungen sind für alle Konjugationsgruppen gleich. Am Beispiel von aimer sieht das dann so aus:

  6. Nov 17, 2020 · In a nutshell, the main difference between them is that we use le passé composé with completed actions, while l’imparfait is used with incomplete actions or actions at an indefinite time in the past. The three main uses of l’imparfait are to talk about: On the other hand, a key concept with le passé composé is the presence of an action ...

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