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  1. Improvisational theatre. Improvisational theatre, often called improvisation or improv, is the form of theatre, often comedy, in which most or all of what is performed is unplanned or unscripted, created spontaneously by the performers. In its purest form, the dialogue, action, story, and characters are created collaboratively by the players as ...

  2. Improvisation. Improvisation, often shortened to improv, is the activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand, using whatever can be found. [1] The origin of the word itself is in the Latin "improvisus", which literally means un-foreseen – but it is also related to both the old French word "emprouer" and the English "improve ...

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  4. › wiki › TeatriTeatri - Wikipedia

    Teatri ( greqisht: τό θέατρον, Theatron 'vendi për shikim' dhe θεάομαι theaomai „të shikosh“) është nocion që nënkupton rrëfimin e një ngjarjeje të skenuar, që e realizojnë artist ët, aktor ët, komunikimi i të cilëve bartet te publiku. Mirëpo, për shkak të kompleksitetit të tij, teatri vështirë mund të ...

  5. Sep 26, 2020 · The earliest well documented use of improvisational theatre in Eastern history is found in the Atellan Farce of Africa 391 BC. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, commedia dell'arte performers improvised based on a broad outline in the streets of Italy. In the 1890s, theatrical theorists and directors such as the Russian Konstantin ...

  6. Improvisational Theatre or Improv Theatre. Improvisation theatre, improv theatre, or simply improv, is a form of theatre that is improvised: none of the presented scenes are previously rehearsed. This is the main difference from classical theatre. Often the actors receive a suggestion from the audience, or even repeatedly receive input during a ...

  7. An improvisational comedy group performing onstage. Improvisational theatre companies, also known as improv troupes or improv groups, are the primary practitioners of improvisational theater. Modern companies exist around the world and at a range of skill levels. Most groups make little or no money, while a few, well-established groups are ...

  8. Gjatë viteve 1941-1945, periudhë e Luftës II Botërore, në Shqipëri u dallua më tepër, ai që quhej teatri partizan.. Ky lloj teatri, në fillimet e veta, pati një natyrë improvizimi, pra, pa një tekst me bazë dramaturgjike. Më vonë, dhe pikërisht, më 1943, në Prill, kemi melodramën “Vëllavrasja” të Zihni Sakos dhe më ...

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