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  1. Ina Garten Cocktail Hour Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Roasted Tomato Squares
    A few years ago, my husband and I traipsed over to my sister's house for happy hour. It was a Saturday evening when everyone should have been in a good mood but just the opposite was true. The day had been a long one, the kids were, well being kids, and cranky toddlers at that. Someone said this isn't happy hour, it's "krappy" hour. And thus our tradition of "krappy hour" began. As our sharing of this tradition expanded outside of the family, I've come to rely on two main recipes that came from watching Jacques Pepin and Ina Garten. This recipe is a riff on a ham and cheese appetizer from Ina. That recipe is delicious, but I prefer vegetarian appetizers. This one is perfect: super flavorful with enough umph to keep you standing no matter what the cocktail is you're drinking. And no one stays in a bad mood after eating it.