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  1. The Indo-Aryan languages (or sometimes Indic languages[lower-alpha 1]) are a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages in the Indo-European language family. As of the early 21st century, they have more than 800 million speakers, primarily concentrated east of the Indus river in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Nepal. [1] .

  2. The Indo-Aryan languages are a branch of the Indo-Iranian language family. They are mostly spoken in Southern Asia, including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Bangladesh. However, some are also spoken in other places, such as Europe.

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    Indo-Aryan refers to the populations speaking an Indo-Aryan language or identifying as Indo-Aryan; they form the predominant group in Northern Indian subcontinent. [95] The largest Indo-Aryan ethnolinguistic groups are Hindi–Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Rajasthani, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Odia, and Sindhi. More than 900 million ...

  4. Languages spoken in the Republic of India belong to several language families, the major ones being the Indo-Aryan languages spoken by 78.05% of Indians and the Dravidian languages spoken by 19.64% of Indians; [5] [6] both families together are sometimes known as Indic languages.

    • Overview
    • Common features
    • Divergent features
    • Nūristānī and Bangani

    The close relation between the Iranian and Indo-Aryan groups has never been doubted. They share linguistic features to such a degree that Indo-Iranian is generally described as a distinct subgroup of Indo-European. For example, the long and short varieties of the Indo-European vowels e and o appear as ā and ă (a macron [¯] indicates a long vowel, while a breve [˘] indicates a short vowel): Sanskrit as ‘be’ (3rd person singular present indicative astì), aṣṭan- ‘eight’ (nominative-accusative plural aṣṭau), mánas- ‘mind,’ aj ‘lead, drive’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. ajàti), dhā ‘put, make’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. dadhāti); Avestan asti ‘is,’ asta- ‘eight,’ manah- ‘mind, spirit,’ azaiti ‘leads,’ daδāitī, ‘makes’; but Greek estì ‘is,’ óktō ‘eight,’ ménos ‘ardor, force,’ ágei ‘leads,’ títhēmi ‘I put, make.’

    Traces of the earlier vocalic system are reflected in certain phonological alternations. Thus, verbal bases that in Sanskrit have initial velar consonants have corresponding palatals in reduplicated syllables that occur in certain categories, as with kar/kṛ ‘do, make’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. karoti, 3rd sg. fut. kariṣyati, 3rd sg. aor. akārṣīt), gam ‘go’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. gacchati, 3rd sg. fut. gamiṣyati, 3rd sg. aor. agamat)—but 3rd sg. pfct. ca-kār-a and ja-gām-a. Similarly, Avestan cāxrarə (3rd pl. pfct.) and jsγmiiąm (1st sg. pfct. optative) have palatal c- and j- instead of the velar consonants of the bases kar ‘do, make’ and gam ‘go.’

    Conversely, the perfect of Sanskrit han ‘strike, kill’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. hanti, 3rd sg. fut. haniṣyati) has the velar -gh- in the root syllable of perfect forms such as ja-ghān-a (3rd sg.). The long -ā- in such forms reflects a development of Proto-Indo-European -o- in open syllables. Greek forms of the type lé-loip-e ‘left’ (3rd sg. pfct.) show e in the reduplicated syllable and -o- in the root syllable. Similarly, Sanskrit causatives such as sād-ay-a-ti ‘seats,’ from the base sad ‘sit’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. sīdati, 3rd sg. aor. asadat), show -ā- in open syllables. The comparable Germanic formation, seen in Gothic satjan ‘seat,’ shows -a- as a regular development from Proto-Indo-European o.

    In instances in which some Indo-European languages have a vowel a, Indo-Iranian has i as a reflex of Proto-Indo-European sounds called laryngeals—e.g., Greek patḗr ‘father,’ Sanskrit pitṛ- (nom. sing. pitā́), Avestan and Old Persian pitar-. After stems ending in short or long a, i, or u, an n generally occurs with the genitive (possessive) plural ending ām, reflecting an innovation modelled on stems ending in -n—e.g., Sanskrit martyānām ‘of mortals, men,’ Avestan masiiānąm, and Old Persian martiyānām.

    The close relation between the Iranian and Indo-Aryan groups has never been doubted. They share linguistic features to such a degree that Indo-Iranian is generally described as a distinct subgroup of Indo-European. For example, the long and short varieties of the Indo-European vowels e and o appear as ā and ă (a macron [¯] indicates a long vowel, while a breve [˘] indicates a short vowel): Sanskrit as ‘be’ (3rd person singular present indicative astì), aṣṭan- ‘eight’ (nominative-accusative plural aṣṭau), mánas- ‘mind,’ aj ‘lead, drive’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. ajàti), dhā ‘put, make’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. dadhāti); Avestan asti ‘is,’ asta- ‘eight,’ manah- ‘mind, spirit,’ azaiti ‘leads,’ daδāitī, ‘makes’; but Greek estì ‘is,’ óktō ‘eight,’ ménos ‘ardor, force,’ ágei ‘leads,’ títhēmi ‘I put, make.’

    Traces of the earlier vocalic system are reflected in certain phonological alternations. Thus, verbal bases that in Sanskrit have initial velar consonants have corresponding palatals in reduplicated syllables that occur in certain categories, as with kar/kṛ ‘do, make’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. karoti, 3rd sg. fut. kariṣyati, 3rd sg. aor. akārṣīt), gam ‘go’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. gacchati, 3rd sg. fut. gamiṣyati, 3rd sg. aor. agamat)—but 3rd sg. pfct. ca-kār-a and ja-gām-a. Similarly, Avestan cāxrarə (3rd pl. pfct.) and jsγmiiąm (1st sg. pfct. optative) have palatal c- and j- instead of the velar consonants of the bases kar ‘do, make’ and gam ‘go.’

    Conversely, the perfect of Sanskrit han ‘strike, kill’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. hanti, 3rd sg. fut. haniṣyati) has the velar -gh- in the root syllable of perfect forms such as ja-ghān-a (3rd sg.). The long -ā- in such forms reflects a development of Proto-Indo-European -o- in open syllables. Greek forms of the type lé-loip-e ‘left’ (3rd sg. pfct.) show e in the reduplicated syllable and -o- in the root syllable. Similarly, Sanskrit causatives such as sād-ay-a-ti ‘seats,’ from the base sad ‘sit’ (3rd sg. pres. indic. sīdati, 3rd sg. aor. asadat), show -ā- in open syllables. The comparable Germanic formation, seen in Gothic satjan ‘seat,’ shows -a- as a regular development from Proto-Indo-European o.

    In instances in which some Indo-European languages have a vowel a, Indo-Iranian has i as a reflex of Proto-Indo-European sounds called laryngeals—e.g., Greek patḗr ‘father,’ Sanskrit pitṛ- (nom. sing. pitā́), Avestan and Old Persian pitar-. After stems ending in short or long a, i, or u, an n generally occurs with the genitive (possessive) plural ending ām, reflecting an innovation modelled on stems ending in -n—e.g., Sanskrit martyānām ‘of mortals, men,’ Avestan masiiānąm, and Old Persian martiyānām.

    Although they have many similarities, the Indo-Aryan and Iranian language subgroups also differ from each other in a number of linguistic features. For example, Indo-Aryan has an i/ī sound representing a Proto-Indo-European laryngeal sound not only in initial syllables but also, generally, in interior syllables, as in Sanskrit duhitṛ- ‘daughter’ (cf. Greek thugátēr). In Iranian, the original laryngeal is lost in this position, as in Avestan dugədar-, duγδdar-. Similarly, Sanskrit bravīti ‘speaks, says,’ vṛṇīte ‘chooses,’ but Avestan mraoiti, vərəṇtē. Iranian also has replaced Indo-Iranian aspirated voiced consonants (pronounced with a puff of breath, written h) with corresponding unaspirated consonants—e.g., Sanskrit gharma- ‘warmth,’ dhā ‘put, make,’ and bhṛ, ‘carry, bear’ but Avestan garəma- ‘warm’ and Avestan and Old Persian dā, bar. Further, Iranian changed stops such as p before certain consonants to spirants such as f: Sanskrit pra ‘forth,’ Avestan frā̆; Old Persian fra; Sanskrit putra- ‘son,’ Avestan puθra-, Old Persian pus͜sa- (s͜s represents a sound that is also transliterated as ç). In addition, h replaces s in Iranian except before nonnasal stops (produced by releasing the breath only through the mouth) and after i, u, r, vocalic r, and k; Avestan hapta- ‘seven,’ hauruua- ‘whole, Old Persian haruva- ‘whole,’ as opposed to Sanskrit sapta-, sarva-.

    Iranian also has both xš and š sounds, resulting from different Proto-Indo-European consonant clusters, but Indo-Aryan has only kṣ—e.g., Avestan xšayeiti ‘has power, is capable,’ šaēiti ‘dwells’ but Sanskrit kṣayati, kṣeti. Iranian was also relatively conservative in retaining at an early period the diphthongs ai and au, which were changed to simple vowels e and o in Indo-Aryan, and long diphthongs that were shortened to ai and au in Indo-Aryan. The earlier diphthongs are nevertheless reflected by certain Indo-Aryan alternations. Thus, prevocalic -ay- and -au- alternate with preconsonantal e and o; e.g., jay-a-ti (3rd sg. pres. indic.) ‘conquers, is victorious,’ stav-a- ‘praise’ and je-tum (infinitive) ‘to conquer,’ sto-tum ‘to praise.’ In addition, under conditions that determine the use of extralong vowels in final syllables of words, corresponding to vocative singulars in -e or -o such as agne ‘Agni!’ and vāyo ‘Vāyu!,’ one finds agnā3i and vāyā3u, with an extralong segment ā of three morae (indicated by the -3- in the phonetic spelling) followed by i and u.

    On the basis of particular phonological developments, some scholars have recognized a distinct Nūristānī group consisting of Ashkun, Kati, Prasun, Waigali, and Tregami (all spoken in the Hindu Kush), in addition to the Indo-Aryan and Indo-Iranian groups. For example, Indo-Aryan regularly has ś as a reflex of Proto-Indo-European *j (e.g., Sanskrit keśa- ‘hair,’ śvan-/śun- ‘dog’), but Nūristānī languages show an affricate (ts, usually transcribed ċ) for this—e.g., Kati and Waigali kēċ ‘hair,’ Waigali and Tregami ċū̃ ‘dog.’ The situation is complicated by the fact that š also appears for *j—e.g., Waigali dōš ‘ten’ as opposed to Kati duċ (Sanskrit daśan-).

    Other scholars, however, consider Nūristānī a subgroup of Indo-Aryan, and certain cultural facts are considered to support this view. For example, Ashkun imrā́, Kati ímro, Waigali yamrái, Prasun yumrā́ ‘name of a supreme deity (king Yama)’ are comparable to an Old Indo-Aryan compound of yama- ‘Yama (lord of the dead)’ and rājan- ‘king.’ A reasonable hypothesis to account for these and other linguistic facts is that the Nūristānī languages represent a group of early Indo-Aryan people that remained behind, separated from the main body of Indo-Aryan speakers that migrated into the area of the Punjab. However, as yet there is no scholarly consensus on this issue.

    • George Cardona
  5. Indo-Aryan languages are spoken by more than 800 million people, principally in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The Old Indo-Aryan period is represented by Sanskrit. Middle Indo-Aryan (c. 600 bce –1000 ce) consists principally of the Prakrit dialects, including Pali.

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