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  1. Indonesian Traditional Food - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Clam Satay (Ashmore and Cartier Islands)
    This recipe is from week 15 of my food blog, "Travel by Stove." I am attempting to cook one meal from every nation on Earth, and Ashmore and Cartier is my 15th stop. Because these two islands are really just parts of a small, unpopulated marine preserve, this recipe actually comes from Indonesia. Traditional Indonesian fishermen have fishing rights in the waters off Ashmore and Cartier. Clam is one of the species harvested there.
    Indonesian Fried Rice (Ashmore and Cartier)
    This recipe is from week 15 of my food blog, "Travel by Stove." I am attempting to cook one meal from every nation on Earth, and Ashmore and Cartier is my 15th stop. Because these two islands are really just a small, unpopulated marine preserve, this recipe actually comes from Indonesia. Traditional Indonesian fishermen have fishing rights in the waters off Ashmore and Cartier. I made this recipe as a side dish to go with clam satay (clam is one of the species harvested there).