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  1. Top results related to is 1204 a leap year python

  2. Feb 8, 2024 · Using any () Method. Check If A Given Year Is Leap Year Using Modulo Operator. In this example, The function `is_leap_year_modulo` checks if a given year is a leap year using the modulo operator to verify divisibility by 4, excluding years divisible by 100 unless divisible by 400.

  3. Jul 24, 2012 · By definition, a leap year is divisible by four, but not by one hundred, unless it is divisible by four hundred. Here is my code: def leapyr(n): if n%4==0 and n%100!=0: if n%400==0: print(n, "is a leap year.") elif n%4!=0: print(n, "is not a leap year.") print(leapyr(1900)) When I try this inside the Python IDLE, the module returns None.

    Code sample

    import calendar
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  5. Source Code. print("{0} is a leap year".format(year)) # not divided by 100 means not a century year # year divided by 4 is a leap year elif (year % 4 ==0) and (year % 100 != 0): print("{0} is a leap year".format(year)) # if not divided by both 400 (century year) and 4 (not century year) # year is not leap year else:

    • Basic Conditional Check. This solution uses a series of conditional statements to check if the year is divisible by 4, not divisible by 100, or divisible by 400.
    • Using calendar Library. Python’s standard library, calendar, provides a function isleap() that returns True if the year is a leap year. This reduces our implementation to a single line of code and is the most Pythonic solution.
    • Using division remainder logic. A bit more mathematical, this solution employs the divisibility rule for leap years using the division remainder (%).
  6. May 9, 2024 · def is_leap_year(): year = int(input("Enter the year: ")) if year % 4 == 0: if year % 100 == 0: if year % 400 == 0: print(year, "is a leap year") else: print(year, "is not a leap year") else: print(year, "is a leap year") else: print(year, "is not a leap year")

  7. Python Program to Check Leap Year using If Statement. This Python program allows the user to enter any number and check whether the user entered is a leap year or not using the If statement. yr = int(input("Please Enter the Number you wish: ")) if (( yr%400 == 0) or (( yr%4 == 0 ) and ( yr%100 != 0))): print("%d is a Leap year" %yr) else:

  8. Jan 31, 2024 · Determine if a year is a leap year: calendar.isleap() Count leap years in a specified period: calendar.leapdays() List leap years in a specified period; Determine if a datetime or date object is a leap year

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