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  1. A sentence contains a verb (often with a complement or modifier). Smith reported similar results. A sentence generally follows subject + verb + object word order. Smith (subject) reported (verb) similar results (object). A sentence must have a complete idea that stands alone. This is also called an independent clause. Smith reported similar ...

  2. Select the correct form of the word for the sentence. List the part of speech to which you will have to convert the word so that the sentence makes sense. sandwich I found my missing mitten _____ between two textbooks. new part of speech: _____

  3. Phrases and clauses are groups of words that act as a unit and perform a single function within a sentence. A phrase is a group of words that may have a partial subject or verb but not both, or it may have neither a subject nor a verb. Phrases never have a subject doing the action of a verb. A clause, however, is by definition a group of words ...

  4. Dec 18, 2021 · According to Your Dictionary, a compound subject is when a sentence has two or more subjects. These subjects perform the same action. With compound subjects, make sure that your subject verb agreement is still intact: a singular subject or singular noun gets a singular verb, and a plural subject or plural nouns get a plural verb in English ...

  5. Read the sentence. Brendan is playing in the backyard. This is an example of a. Read the sentence. There is a swimming pool in our backyard, but it contains no water. This is an example of a. Read the sentence. The planet Jupiter, named for the king of the Roman gods, has rings composed of dust particles ejected during impact with incoming ...

  6. The predicate tells something about the subject. What is the simple subject? The simple subject is the main word in the complete subject. What is the simple predicate? The simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase in the sentence. What is a complete subject? A complete subject contains all of the words that help to identify the main person ...

  7. Mar 28, 2024 · Example: “The teacher and the student discussed the assignment.”. In the example above, “the teacher” and “the student” are both simple subjects, but when combined with “and,” they form a compound subject. The predicate, “discussed the assignment,” describes the action involving this compound subject. Simple Subject.

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