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  1. A comprehensive overview of the major events and periods in Japanese history, from the Paleolithic era to the present day. Learn about the origins, development and changes of Japan and its culture, politics and society through time.

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    • > Before The 3rd Century Ad. Jc: Prehistory
    • > 300-538: The Kofun Period
    • > 538-710: The Asuka Period
    • > 710-794: Nara Period
    • > 794-1085: The Heian Period
    • > 1085-1333: The Kamakura Period
    • > 1336-1477: The Muromachi Era
    • > 1477-1573: The Sengoku Period
    • > 1868-1912: The Meiji Era
    • > 1926-1989: The Showa Era
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    Prehistory (combining the Jomon and Yayoi periods) sees the first communities, engineering and agriculture appear. This is the time of the mythical founding of Japan by Emperor Jimmu and that of the construction of the temple of Ise. 1. Read also: The Jomon period (-13,000 BC to -400 BC) and The Yayoi period (-400 BC to 300 AD)

    Japanese protohistory is marked by the Kofun, these monumental tombs visible in particular in Sakai and Nara. An authority begins to appear in the plain of Yamato(Nara).

    The history of Japan is enriched and modeled on Chinese civilization. Introduction of Buddhism, writing, architecture, and sculpture. Construction of the first Japanese temple: the Horyuji (in the city of Nara).

    Affirmation of the central power of the emperors. Construction of the first capital in Nara and its great temples: Todaiji, Kasuga Taisha, etc.

    Relocation of the capital to Heian-kyo (Kyoto). Foundation of a Chinese-style monarchy, dominated by the great family of Fujiwara regents. This period of Japanese history is considered the classic era of Japanese civilization, as The Tale of Genji was written. Construction of Byodoin in Uji. Development of Buddhism with the monk Kukai and foundatio...

    The power of the imperial court gives way to the clans of samurai. Struggle between the Minamoto and the Taira during the Gempei War. The dictatorship of Taira no Kiyomori, but the victory of Minamoto no Yoritomo and establishment of the first shogunate (feudal government). Transfer of power to Kamakura and construction of its temples including the...

    The overthrow of the Kamakura shogun by Ashikaga Takauji, who founded the 2nd shogunate and reinstalled power in Kyoto. The establishment of Japanese feudalism, and the fusion of samurai and court culture, resulted in a flowering of the arts. tea and Noh theatre. Construction of the most famous temples in Kyoto (Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji, Ryoanji).

    The disappearance of the central power and the emergence of daimyo (regional warlords) was caused by repeated civil wars. At this stage in Japanese history, the country was divided by a continual civil war until the appearance of the three unifiers: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Construction of the great Japanese castles (H...

    Restoration of imperial power and relocation to Tokyo (ex-Edo). Japan becomes a modern power. Modernization of Tokyo with the creation of the districts of Ginza, Marunouchi. The arrival of the railway and electricity. Conquest of Korea and Taiwan. Military victories against the Russian Empire and China. 1. Read also: The Meiji era (1868-1912)

    Beginning of the imperialist policy and the military government. The policy of expansion towards China led to Japan's entry into the Second World War and defeat in 1945. Successful reconstruction of the country under American tutelage is the "Japanese miracle". Construction of the Tokyo Towerand reconstruction of the city in its present form. 1. Re...

    A chronological overview of the main periods and events in Japanese history, from prehistory to the modern era. Learn about the influences of China, Buddhism, feudalism, and more on Japanese culture and society.

  3. A timeline of the Japanese history, Japanese language, Japanese society and Japanese images.

  4. Learn about the origins, evolution, and challenges of Japanese chronology and periods from ancient to modern times. Explore the sources, methods, and controversies of Japanese history and its relation to China, Korea, and India.

    • Jomon Period (- 300 BC) The early Japanese were mainly gatherers, hunters and fishers. Read more about the Jomon Period.
    • Yayoi Period (300 BC - 250 AD) The spread of rice farming leads to the development of more complex social hierarchies and larger settlements. Hundreds of small countries emerge and start to unify into larger countries.
    • Kofun Period (250 - 538) Japan is for the first time more or less united. Large tombs (kofun) were built for the deceased leaders. Read more about the Kofun Period.
    • Asuka Period (538 - 710) 538/552 Introduction of Buddhism. 604 Prince Shotoku's Constitution of seventeen articles is promulgated. 645 The Taika reform is introduced.
  5. Learn about the history of Japan from the Paleolithic period to the present day, with a timeline and an overview of the main events and periods. Explore the culture, politics, and society of Japan through its ancient and modern history.

  6. Learn about the major periods and events of Japanese history from prehistoric times to the present. Explore the cultural, political, and social developments that shaped Japan's identity and role in the world.

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