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  1. Jason Lee Scott is a fictional character in the Power Rangers franchise, played by Austin St. John. He is the first Red Ranger and the leader of the original team, and later becomes the Gold Zeo Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo.

    • Overview
    • History
    • Personality
    • Forms
    • Behind the Scenes
    • Notes
    • Appearances
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    "It’s Morphin Time! Tyrannosaurus!"

    ―roll call as the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger

    "I call on the power of Titanus and the Ultrazord!"

    ―Jason's most famous quote whenever he summoned the Dino Ultrazord. First used against the Wheel of Misfortune.

    "Guess we took care of you frogface."

    ―Jason after the Ultrazord destroyed Fang.

    Before becoming a Ranger

    Jason used to be a bully. It is revealed that when Jason was young, he was a bully like Bulk and Skull, one time even going so far as to break a bow and arrow made by a child much younger than him. Fortunately, Jason vowed to change his ways and was determined to become a better person. He started taking Karate classes. COMIC STORY- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 1. He became fast friends with Zack Taylor, when they met at the Angel Grove Community Center COMIC STORY- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 20. Six years after taking Karate classes, he was already teaching his own classes. He grows into a valiant athletic young man and dedicated martial artist. He shares his martial arts knowledge with his students at Angel Grove Karate school. TV STORY-Day of the Dumpster

    Mighty Morphin Era

    Like his fellow future Rangers, he lived in the city of Angel Grove and attended Angel Grove High School. Jason taught a martial arts class at Ernie's Juice Bar and Gym, a place that Jason and his friends like to work out and hang out in. One fateful day, as Jason finished conducting one of his classes and was chatting with his best friends, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly, an earthquake began across Angel Grove. As Ernie's emptied out, Jason and his friends felt themselves being lifted and teleported along in streams of colored lights. They landed in a pile on top of each other in a strange place. As Jason and the others examined their surroundings, a robot by the name of Alpha 5 approached them. As Jason was taking this all in, an even more strange sight awaited him. In an energy tube of blue light, was a huge floating head, who introduced itself as Zordon and explained that Jason and the others had been chosen by him to fight evil in the form of Rita Repulsa. In order to do so, Zordon said he would grant the five teens the power to become a fighting force known as the Power Rangers. The further explanation of dinosaur Zords and Power Morphers threw Zack and the others off, except for Jason. As Zack was leading the group out, Jason lingered; he was a natural-born leader and the idea of him being a sort of modern-day hero appealed to him greatly. Very reluctantly, Jason followed his friends out of the Command Center. Once outside the building, Jason tried to persuade the others that maybe they should give this a shot. They didn't get too far. Before Jason's eyes, a group of very strange beings were standing before him and the others. The beings were Putties - Rita's evil henchmen. At first, Jason and the others fought with all their might, but they were swiftly defeated. Realizing they didn't have the strength to defeat the Putties, Jason encouraged everyone to use their Power Morphers. Jason morphed into the Red Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger for the first time. With these new powers, Jason and the other Rangers made quick work of the Putties. When Rita unleashed her second-in-command Goldar on Angel Grove, Jason led the other Rangers in summoning their Zords and combining them into the Megazord, which they used to successfully force Goldar into retreating. Elated with their victory, the group went back into the Command Center. Unable to suppress the grin on his face, Jason quickly told Zordon that he was more than willing to continue defending the world from evil. Thus, Jason became the leader of the Power Rangers and a formidable force of good against evil. TV STORY-Day of the Dumpster When they are not saving the world, teenagers with attitudes chosen by Zordon gather at the Angel Grove Youth Center. Trini updates Alpha 5 with the language of the year 1993. Far away, Dr. Carver and Dr. Kenyon discover a new civilization and the largest statue ever built in ancient America. Unintentionally, Dr. Carver activates the terrible cross between monster and robot that attacks the excavation site. Back at the Youth Center, Billy creates a device with internet access when everyone sees the attack on TV. In the territory of the attack, summoning the Dinozords, the Power Rangers fight against a terrible monster. Struck by the lightning of the stone giant, the Rangers lose communication with Zordon and have their pieces exchanged makes it difficult in battle. With the help of Alpha 5, the exchange effect was reversed and the Rangers, winning the battle and returning the giant to its location. COMIC STORY- Rita Repulsa's Attitude Adjustment As a Ranger, Jason's most defining character trait is his desire to be a good leader. When anything goes wrong, Jason is the first of the team to attempt to correct it. Whenever anyone is in danger, Jason is always the first to rally the other rangers to save them. In Green With Evil, Jason was the only Ranger who refused to give up when Rita and the Green Ranger seemed to gain the upper hand. Jason and his friends in the form of Power Rangers defeat Korruptor using Dino Megazord. COMIC STORY- Going Green However, his most defining characteristic is also his greatest weakness. Much more so than any other red ranger that has come since him, Jason will beat himself up over the slightest failure. For years, he blamed himself for allowing Tommy to lose his green ranger powers; in the episode Missing Green, when his best friend, Zack, tried to explain that it wasn't his fault, Jason would have none of it, insisting that he "should have done something." This self-blame continued all the way into Zeo, where he at one point lamented that he let Tommy down once before (referencing his failure to retrieve the Green Candle that zapped Tommy's powers) and would not let it happen again. The villains would often exploit this weakness in an attempt to gain a psychological advantage over Jason. For example, in the episode Island of Illusion, Part II, Goldar told Jason that, if he were a "real leader," he would have saved his team already. This almost worked, as Jason began to doubt himself, which triggered the Island's ability to make its inhabitants disappear, and it would have worked were it not for the help of a native of the Island, Quagmire, who hated Rita as much as the Rangers and assisted Jason. Another example of villains targeting this weakness came in the Season 2 episode Missing Green; after eavesdropping on the aforementioned conversation between Jason and Zack, Zedd conspired to steal the other rangers' powers in an attempt to break Jason's spirit even further, a tactic that almost worked were it not for Zordon's pep talk to Jason about his leadership skills. Although a Ranger, Jason still kept up with the life he had prior to becoming a Ranger. Jason got involved in all the extra school activities that went on in Angel Grove as well as activities outside of school: food fairs, carnivals, dances, insect collecting, planting trees in the park, burying a time capsule, acting in school plays, and even finding stray animals a home. Jason still taught his martial arts classes. He even managed to beat a weight lifting record set by Bulk, which greatly angered Bulk. During this time, not only did Jason have to contend with Rita, but with Bulk and Skull as well. Most especially Bulk, who seemed to take great joy in trying to put Jason down. They had many confrontations with usually Bulk on the losing side. Bulk and Skull also enjoyed tormenting Billy. Jason offered to teach Billy martial arts and Billy took Jason up on his offer. Jason gave Billy as much encouragement as he could to bolster up Billy's self-confidence. Jason stayed active in many ways. Playing volleyball, football, basketball, mountain biking, rope climbing, broomball, scuba diving (where Jason was also a certified instructor). Jason was always willing to try new things. Helping his team win the Noble Lion trophy was a great pleasure, especially since Bulk and Skull were on the opposite team. Although trying to communicate in sign language was more difficult than what he thought as he unintentionally said something silly to a hearing-impaired girl. Environmentally conscious, Jason even joined a clean-up club set up by Trini and pitched in picking up trash. Jason was very close and protective of his fellow Rangers, especially Zack. Jason, along with the other Rangers, had great fun planning Zack's surprise birthday party. Zack and Jason worked out together frequently. Zack was always telling Jason about his frustrations at trying to win over the beautiful Angela. Jason sympathized, but couldn't offer much advice. Although a very good looking man, Jason had never found himself in Zack's position. He had never found the girl of his dreams; Jason was however very protective of Kimberly and Trini. Although they are beautiful girls, he cared for them as a big brother. Jason had a soft spot for kids. He enjoyed taking his cousin Jeremy fishing and showing him some karate moves. Jason and Zack even coached a young boy into becoming a better soccer player. He and Trini dated briefly after he learned of her crush on him during their early days as Power Rangers, COMIC STORY- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 15 but broke up mutually when they realized that it could be used as a weakness by their enemies. COMIC STORY- Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers Issue 1

    Green Ranger Arc

    Although Jason had had many battles with Rita Repulsa's various monsters, the Rangers' biggest challenge awaited ahead. While helping Billy clean the Rad Bug, Jason and the others were suddenly contacted by Alpha, but were unable to hear him due to interference in their communicators and soon learned that the teleporter was also nonfunctional. With Trini pointing out that something was definitely wrong, Jason suggested that they all head to the Command Center at once. At Billy's suggestion, the Rangers used the Rad Bug to make their way to the Command Center. Upon arrival, Jason and the others were shocked to find the Command Center destroyed and Zordon missing. They managed to find Alpha, who was acting erratically and was unable to converse with the Rangers. Billy deduced that someone must've put a computer virus into Alpha's programming and is able to remove it, restoring Alpha back to normal. Asking what happened to the Command Center, Alpha was unable to remember and was barely able to contact them before shutting down. Jason pointed out that someone had obviously broken in, although Trini stated that nobody could've gotten in without a Power Coin. They were then forced into action after witnessing Goldar through the Viewing Globe. Another Ranger, colored green, appeared on the scene, but this Green Ranger was working for Rita. In their first battle, the Green Ranger managed to infiltrate and sabotage the Megazord after the team fought an enlarged Goldar. Ejected from the Megazord, Jason and his team were then attacked by the evil Green Ranger and were quickly outmatched. Jason, wanting to protect his wounded friends, challenged and fought the Green Ranger in single combat, but again was quickly defeated by the Green Ranger, who finished the fight with a green energy blast. Jason was placed in great danger when the Green Ranger transported him to the Dark Dimension. There Jason faced off against Goldar. Narrowly escaping damage from Goldar's sword, Jason had to be quick on his feet, for all he had was his martial arts skills as his Morpher was in Goldar's hands. Things changed when the Green Ranger stepped in for Goldar. Thankfully, the other Rangers transported Jason back to the Command Center just before Green Ranger could kill him with the Sword of Darkness. His heart still pounding, Jason was still tense until he realized he was back. He quickly recovered and commanded the Megazord against Goldar, Scorpina, and a giant Green Ranger. However, it was all part of a trap laid out by Rita, as she caused a solar eclipse that cut off the Megazord's power supply. Ultimately, the Rangers were forced to ditch the Megazord as it received heavy damage and then fell into the Earth's molten core. This defeat deeply upset Jason and the other Rangers, who all felt that they had lost a part of themselves with their Zords now gone. Back at the Command Center, Jason tried to raise morale among the other Rangers, who were considering on giving up entirely now that both Zordon and the Zords were gone. Alpha, who was also set on not giving up, told that Rangers that he would not accept them submitting to defeat and asked Billy of what chance they had of restoring Zordon, for which the latter responded that there was the possibility of restoring their mentor was less than ten percent, further decreasing morale among the Rangers. Jason, unwilling to let his team give up, tried to convince them to stay as the smallest chance of victory was enough reason to keep fighting, although Zack countered by saying that the Green Ranger was Rita's trump card against them and by playing it she had won. Eventually, Alpha was able to uncover the Green Ranger's true identity, which to Jason's shock turned out to be Tommy Oliver. Tommy had been a worthy opponent at a Karate match from earlier and was the very last person Jason expected to be the Green Ranger. As Jason and the others fit in the pieces of what had been happening, another battle loomed when Tommy summoned his own Zord, the Dragonzord, to attack Angel Grove. Thankfully, Zordon finally returned (thanks to Alpha's efforts) and revived the Megazord, which the Rangers used to stop the Dragonzord's rampage. Jason went down and fought Tommy in a final battle, but was still outmatched due to Tommy's Dragon Shield. However, Jason ultimately won when he hurled his charged-up Power Sword at Tommy, disarming his opponent and knocking him to the ground. Jason then immediately used his Blade Blaster to destroy the Sword of Darkness, breaking Rita's evil spell over Tommy. As Tommy slowly rose to his feet, Jason was the first to offer him friendship and a place on the Ranger team. Now the team of five had turned into six and the Rangers were more powerful than ever. TV STORY-Green with Evil Jason is very conflicted about Tommy's presence, wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt and trust Zordon's decision to include him but alarming signs consistently surface, causing tension between Jason and Tommy. As tensions rise, the coming of the Black Dragon leads to the loss of the core fives powers when Billy and his Power Coin are abducted. The Zords are let loose by Rita over the planet, so Tommy and the unmorphed Jason travel to the moon in the Dragonzord in an unsuccessful rescue attempt. In a last desperate effort to stop the Zord's rampage, Tommy uses his power coin to re-power Jason and the others as Green Rangers - Jason complete with Dragon Shield. When Trini reclaims Billy's Power Coin and Zord, and by extension their original colors, Jason maintains Tommy's Dragon Shield in the battle against Rita's forces in the alternate future. COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Jason and Tommy were always trying to upstage each other. Especially across the Karate mat; neither one wanted to cooperate with the other. Zordon wisely sent them on a mission together to acquire a new weapon. Forced to work together or fail the mission, Jason and Tommy realized they could get a lot more accomplished if they worked together. From that point on, Jason and Tommy became very close friends as they battled the forces of evil together. During Zordon's absence after Lord Drakkon's attack, Jason puts immense pressure on himself to step up and lead his team. This pressure causes him to sometimes fall asleep in the Command Center after obsessively listening to hours of news reports for any trouble and scanning the Moon for any signs of activity from Rita or her monsters. While his team shows concern for Jason being so hard on himself, Jason simply shrugs it off and does his best to lead them even at the risk of his own health. COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) When Rita threatened Tommy's powers via the Green Candle, Jason would enter the Dark Dimension again to try to save Tommy from losing his powers. But once again, Goldar was waiting for him and Jason was unable to retrieve the candle. Jason felt a deep sense of frustration as Zack led him out of the Dimension, but Jason needed to save Tommy from Rita's monster. Zordon came up with a way to defeat Rita from obtaining the Green Ranger's powers, he would have to give his Power Coin to one of the Rangers with a strong link to the Morphing Grid. Tommy passed his coin onto Jason. Jason felt the power surge through his body, and the Dragon Shield and Dragon Dagger transferred to him. He was unable to help Tommy from losing his powers, but he would take good care of them and the Dragonzord. TV STORY-The Green Candle Jason was also close to his family. His parents meant everything to him. In another of Rita's plots, the citizens of Angel Grove - along with the Rangers' parents - disappeared. The only way to retrieve them was to give Goldar their Power Coins. With Goldar taunting them, Jason and the others reluctantly gave him their power coins. Jason shuddered as he felt his power leave him. And then the worst part of all, Goldar and Rita had no intention of returning the Rangers' parents. Feeling betrayed and foolish for believing in Rita, the Rangers returned to the Command Center. There was still hope, as Jason revealed his own deception: though he gave up his Tyrannosaurus coin, he secretly kept Tommy's Dragon coin. Zordon enlisted Tommy's help and restored Tommy's powers on a limited basis. Tommy was able to retrieve the Ranger's Power Coins and the team was back in action. Jason was very enthused when his parents were released and his old teammate was able to come back as a Ranger. TV STORY-Return of an Old Friend

    Jason was highly respected during his time as leader of the Power Rangers and is shown to have some of the best martial arts skills of the Rangers. Jason is also the only one to ever best Tommy in single combat when Tommy was still the much more powerful Green Ranger (although the two tie in a martial arts competition before Tommy becomes evil). It...

    Powers and Abilities Arsenal

    •Wrist Communicator •Power Morpher •Tyrannosaurus Power Coin •Blade Blaster •Power Sword •Red Battle Bike


    •Wrist Communicator •Power Morpher •Dragonzord Power Coin •Power Sword •Dragon Dagger •Dragon Shield


    •Wrist Communicator •Golden Power Staff


    •Jason was portrayed by Austin St. John in all of his television and film appearances, and was voiced by Yuri Lowenthal in the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends. •As the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger, his suit actor in Super Sentai & U.S. Footage footage from Zyuranger was Hiroshi Maeda (前田 浩, Maeda Hiroshi). His sub was & Hirofumi Fukuzawa (福沢 博文 Fukuzawa Hirofumi) in Super Sentai footage. In US footage, his suit actors were Erik Betts and Hien Nguyen. •As the Gold Zeo Ranger, his suit actor in Super Sentai footage from Ohranger was Naoki Ōfuji (大藤 直樹, Ōfuji Naoki). In US footage, his suit actor was Tatsuro Koike (小池達朗, Koike Tatsuro). •After filming the episode "Opposites Attract", Austin St. John, Walter Jones and Thuy Trang quit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The reason being contract disputes, since the actors were underpaid due to the non-union status of the company at the time. However, the characters of the actors still appeared in several of the following episodes, until they were written out in "The Power Transfer" story arc. Up until then, a combination of body doubles and stock footage of Jason, Zack and Trini were used to give the illusion that they were still on the show. Also, beginning with the episode "Welcome to Venus Island" until "The Power Transfer", whenever Jason, Zack and Trini were morphed, their voices were done by both voice doubles and recycled dialogue from past episodes, as Austin, Walter and Thuy had quit the series before the post-production ADR for these episodes was completed. The series' associate producer Paul F. Rosenthal served as the voice double for Jason in these final episodes. This is also why Tommy was given leadership duties before Jason left the team; the producers wanted to transition between Jason and Tommy before Jason was written out of the show, along with Zack and Trini.

    •Jason was the first of the three departing Rangers to share onscreen interaction with his successor (then teammate) when he returned in Zeo, Something that was unique to him until decades later when Zack and Adam would also meet.

    •The role of Jason was originally auditioned and won by David Yost, but David thought he did not look the part of a leader, so he was re-cast as Billy, with Austin hired in his place to portray Jason.

    •Jason broke an evil spell out of Tommy, while Tommy broke an evil spell out of Jason.

    •The phrase "Back to Action!" was first coined by Jason (in the MMPR three-part episode "The Mutiny"); used when the Rangers, usually helmet-less, would return to battle after some form of break. Also, while the phrase "It's Morphin' Time!" was first coined by Zordon (in the second MMPR episode "High Five"), Jason's subsequent delivery of the line was what made it famous.

    •Jason's birth date was listed as October 20th on both the profile card on the box of the 1993 eight-inch-tall Red Ranger Figure and on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers CD-Rom. This gives him the same birthday as Tommy.

    •Jason holds the distinction of being the only character in the original cast of MMPR to share the same first name of his actor. In real life, Austin St. John revealed at the 2007 Power Morphicon that Austin is his stage name and that his real name is Jason Geiger.

    Power Rangers Zeo vs The Machine Empire

    Jason appears as a playable character in Power Rangers Zeo vs The Machine Empire.

    Power Rangers Key Scanner

    Jason as Mighty Morphin Red Ranger appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, among various other Ranger teams.

    Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy

    Jason as Mighty Morphin Red Ranger appears only usable for Final Strike in the videogame Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy, among various other Ranger teams.

    Learn about Jason Lee Scott, the first Red Ranger of the modern era and the leader of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Find out his history, personality, forms, relationships, and appearances in various Power Rangers media.

  2. Jan 10, 2024 · Jason Lee Scott, the original Red Ranger, left the Mighty Morphin team but returned as the Gold Ranger in Zeo. Learn about his timeline, appearances, and comics story after Power Rangers.

    • Editor
  3. Jason Lee Scott is the original Red Ranger of the Power Rangers franchise. He was a martial arts teacher and a leader of the Mighty Morphin and Zeo teams.

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  4. Austin St. John, formerly Jason Lawrence Geiger, is an American actor who played Jason Lee Scott in Power Rangers. He was indicted and pled guilty to a $3.5 million CARES Act scheme in 2022.

  5. In this video, we talk about the first-ever leader and Red Ranger, first seen in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Jason Lee Scott! He later returned to become the second Zeo Gold Ranger,...

    • 10 min
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  7. Austin St. John is an American actor who played Jason Lee Scott /Red Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and its spin-offs. He also faced legal issues for fraud and controversy for his clothing line.

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