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  1. Oct 9, 2020 · Generally, Joan isn't talked about enough, as a queen, a mother or political figure of Wales, and it's refreshing to hear her in this book. You'll learn about her and the other women that negotiated between powerful rulers in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries.

  2. Dec 6, 2020 · Joan’s story is told mainly chronologically, though the book jumps around a bit as it explores tangents such a law, and marriage and the role of women in Wales, as well as the men who were writ large in Joan’s life.

  3. Sep 30, 2020 · A collection of a bout 20 black and white photos help to illustrate Joan’s story, Joan, Lady of Wales is a stunning, comprehensive study of the unique character and position that Joan occupies in both English and Welsh history.

  4. Oct 30, 2020 · They really are important to take into consideration when thinking about Joan, Lady of Wales and her impact on history, evidence or no. Her emotions impacted her and influenced the decisions, actions and outcomes we write about and talk about when it comes to Britain in the early thirteenth century.

  5. Sep 18, 2020 · As someone who did not know a lot about Joan or medieval Wales, I found this book informative and enjoyable. Messer takes the time to explain what life was like for a royal Welsh couple, like Joan and Llywelyn, and why their marriage made such an impact in the long run.

  6. Nov 23, 2020 · The story of Joan, lady of Wales, wife of Llewelyn Fawr, the greatest prince of Wales, daughter of King John and sister of Henry III deserves to be told. She is an incredible woman who was one of the finest diplomats of the thirteenth century, taken from her royal upbringing as a teenager to life in the rough and tumble of native Wales and ...

  7. Mar 22, 2021 · By Andy McMillin. Joan, Lady of Wales, Power and Politics of King John’s Daughter, is a welcome study in medieval queenship as scholarship on Welsh queens has arguably been largely overshadowed by research on their English counterparts.