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  1. John L. Nelson was a jazz musician and songwriter, and the father of Prince and Tyka Nelson. He co-wrote some of Prince's songs, such as "Purple Rain" and "Under the Cherry Moon".

  2. Jun 29, 2017 · John L. Nelson, the late jazz musician and father of Prince, had his compositions recorded by an all-star jazz collective The John L. Nelson Project. The album Don't Play With Love features his classic tune "Heart of Mine" and will be released in October 2017.

  3. John L. Nelson was a pianist who played jazz in Minneapolis in the 1950s and later became the father of Prince. He collaborated with his son on several songs and albums, but was estranged from him for most of his life.

  4. Mar 2, 2018 · John L. Nelson, the late jazz musician and composer and the father of Prince, has his timeless compositions recorded and released in his Don't Play with Love EP. Produced by his daughter Sharon L. Nelson, the project features a quintet of jazz artists and was recorded at Paisley Park.

  5. Dec 21, 2016 · First, there is the immediate derivation, one most Prince freaks know about: In the ’50s, his father, John, formed an experimental jazz band called the Prince Rogers Trio.

  6. Oct 26, 2019 · The posthumous book "The Beautiful Ones" explores how Prince's father, a jazz musician, and his mother, a party girl, influenced his life and music. Prince wrote 28 pages of the memoir before his death in 2016 and collaborated with journalist Dan Piepenbring.

  7. Mar 5, 2018 · John L. Nelson was a jazz pianist and composer who taught himself to play and read music. His daughter Sharon, also a musician, discovered his sheet music and produced an album of his compositions, Don't Play With Love, with Louis Hayes and his Legacy Band.

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