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  1. Learn about the steps, requirements and options to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier or a commissioned Officer. Find out how to speak with a recruiter, take an entrance test, complete a physical exam, find an Army job and sign a contract.

  2. Learn about the different requirements to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier or an Officer, such as age, citizenship, education, and physical fitness. Find out how to request waivers, check your ASVAB score, and prepare for the Army Combat Fitness Test.

  3. Learn about the application process. Complete a screening interview. Apply on the JAG website. The Army's online application process gets you started on your way to a career in the Army. Apply online now.

    • Citizenship and Residency
    • Age Limits
    • Education and Testing Requirements
    • Physical and Medical Requirements
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    U.S. citizens and some non-citizens can join the military. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must: 1. Have a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) 2. Speak, read, and write English fluently You cannot join the military to enter the U.S. or to get a visa.

    Each branch of the military has age limits to enlist in active duty: 1. Air Force: 17 - 42 2. Army: 17 - 35 3. Coast Guard: 17 - 41 4. Marine Corps: 17 - 28 5. Navy: 17 - 41 6. Space Force: 17 - 42 The age limits are different if you join as an officer or join the Guard or Reserve.

    ASVAB testing

    Everyone who wants to enlist in the military must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Each branch sets its own minimum score to join. Your score will help decide which jobs you can do after you enlist. Use ASVAB online resourcesto: 1. Find out where to take the test 2. Get tips for taking the test 3. See sample questions from the 10 sections 4. Understand ASVAB scores Contact a recruiter, who can help you set up a time to take the ASVAB and tell you about the scores y...

    Education requirements

    You must have a high school or general equivalency diploma (GED) to enlist in the military. There are fewer spots for GED holders to enter the military. If you have a GED, you will have a better chance of joining if you have: 1. Earned college credits 2. Scored higher on the ASVAB You must have a degree from a four-year college to join as an officer.

    A medical exam is part of the enlistment process. The exam will assess if you are healthy enough to serve in the military. Each branch requires recruits to be physically fit. You will have to pass a physical fitness test as part of your enlistment process. Speak with a recruiter to find out the physical requirements for the branch you want to join.

    Find out the age, citizenship, education, physical, and medical standards for each branch of the military. Learn about the ASVAB test and how to contact a recruiter.

  4. Learn how to enlist or join the Army in different capacities, such as Active Duty, National Guard, Army Reserve or Civilian Service. Find out about Army life, benefits, pay, and assignments information.

  5. › join-armed-forces › join-the-armyJoin the Army -

    Jun 2, 2023 · Learn how to join the U.S. Army as an enlisted soldier or an officer, and explore the opportunities, benefits and challenges of serving in the largest branch of the military. Find out about the ASVAB, the ACFT, basic training, Army jobs and more.

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  7. Learn about the self-motivation, fitness, initiative, medical records, ASVAB, background, discipline, travel, change and benefits of serving in the military. This article by a former Navy SEAL provides tips and advice for potential recruits.

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