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  1. Basic Search. Basic Search using the entry field in the upper left of the map window lets you search for a location by address, street intersection, place name, or parcel number. As you type your entry, the search engine will suggest matches that it finds in a King County database of locations.

  2. Customize your map display to show just the information you want to see at the best scale for your chosen purpose. iMap is your window to a wealth of geographic information from throughout King County on such topics as real property, natural resources, political boundaries, planning, and much more.

  3. Jun 21, 2019 · Discover, analyze and download data from King County GIS Open Data. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.

  4. The valid levels in iMap range from 7, which is zoomed all the way out, to 20, which is zoomed all the way in. Here’s an example for longitude 122.330805 degrees west (west requires a negative value) and latitude 47.598794 degrees north.,47.598794&level=17

  5. If you do a basic search for an address, iMap will zoom in to a location and a pop-up will confirm the address. But you must then click on a parcel in order to see a pop-up that displays information about that parcel, including the familiar links to the Assessor's Report and the Districts and Development Report.

  6. iMap is an application that allows you to make a precinct map, view political boundaries, property and address information, natural resources and much more. Learn how to use iMap to create a PDF map of a precinct. Launch iMap.

  7. Explore King County's geographic data and maps with this interactive ArcGIS web application. Customize your view, search, and share your results.

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