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  1. Língua hebraica. O hebraico (עברית, ivrit/ibrit) ou hebreu[ 3] é uma língua semítica pertencente à família das línguas afro-asiáticas. A Bíblia original, a Torá, que os judeus ortodoxos consideram ter sido escrita na época de Moisés, há cerca de 3,300 anos, foi redigida no hebraico dito "clássico". Embora hoje em dia seja uma ...

  2. As in the case of /ɬ/, no letters were available to represent these sounds, and existing letters did double duty: ח ‎ for /χ/ and /ħ/ and ע ‎ for /ʁ/ and /ʕ/. In all of these cases, however, the sounds represented by the same letter eventually merged, leaving no evidence (other than early transcriptions) of the former distinctions.

  3. Hebrew language. "Israel" written in the Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew is the language of Jewish people around the world, an official language of Israel and n linguistics a Semitic language. Many Jewish people speak English and also speak Hebrew, as Hebrew is part of Judaism. It was first spoken in Israel. It was spoken by Israelites a long time ago ...

    • (5.3 million cited 1998)
    • [(ʔ)ivˈʁit] - [(ʔ)ivˈɾit]
    • Oldest Hebrew inscriptions. In May 2023, Scott Stripling published the finding of what he claims to be the oldest known Hebrew inscription, a curse tablet found at Mount Ebal, dated from around 3200 years ago.
    • Classical Hebrew. Biblical Hebrew. In its widest sense, Biblical Hebrew refers to the spoken language of ancient Israel flourishing between c. 1000 BCE and c. 400 CE.
    • Displacement by Aramaic. In the early 6th century BCE, the Neo-Babylonian Empire conquered the ancient Kingdom of Judah, destroying much of Jerusalem and exiling its population far to the east in Babylon.
    • Mishnah and Talmud. The term "Mishnaic Hebrew" generally refers to the Hebrew dialects found in the Talmud, excepting quotations from the Hebrew Bible. The dialects organize into Mishnaic Hebrew (also called Tannaitic Hebrew, Early Rabbinic Hebrew, or Mishnaic Hebrew I), which was a spoken language, and Amoraic Hebrew (also called Late Rabbinic Hebrew or Mishnaic Hebrew II), which was a literary language.
  4. O hebraico ou hebreu é uma língua semítica pertencente à família das línguas afro-asiáticas. A Bíblia original, a Torá, que os judeus ortodoxos consideram ter sido escrita na época de Moisés, há cerca de 3,300 anos, foi redigida no hebraico dito "clássico". Embora hoje em dia seja uma escrita foneticamente impronunciável, devido à inexistência de vogais no alfabeto hebraico ...

  5. Entre os séculos II d.C. e o ressurgimento do hebraico como língua falada por volta de 1880, o hebraico desempenhou um papel central como idioma literário, oficial e de culto judaico. Após o término do uso oral do hebraico mishnaico no século II d.C., a língua não mais se manifestou como língua materna.

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