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  1. Jul 11, 2023 · Maza, North Dakota, USA: the former least-populated city in the USA At 20 square kilometres (8 square miles) and a population of five (yes, five), Maza was both the least-populated city in the USA and its least densely populated city.

  2. Feb 4, 2024 · Ngerulmud, which was designated as the capital of Palau in 2006, is one of the least populated cities in the world. Since the city's population is not included in the country's census statistics, it is actually plausible that nobody lives there. Ngerulmud is situated in the state of Melekeok, which is home to around 318 people. The Island of ...

  3. Feb 20, 2018 · Vatican City remains the least populous state, with a population of 800. Tokelau ranks second, with a population of about 1,300, and has a population growth rate of 1.3% annually. Montserrat, Falkland Islands, and Saint Helena, all register less than 6,000 people.

  4. At 8 square miles and a population of five (yes, five), Maza was both the least populated city in the USA and least densely populated city. The reason for the past tense is that, despite being founded way back in 1893, Maza's city status was dissolved in 2002.

  5. Oct 6, 2023 · Here are a few cities (and by extension countries) that are amongst the least populated in the world, and some of the difficulties they face. What are the least populated cities in the world? Vatican City. The smallest city in the world, the Vatican City is also one of the least populated.

  6. Mar 23, 2023 · These are the 10 least populated cities in the world based on factual data. Some of these cities are historical enclaves or small island nations, while others are remote and largely inaccessible locations.

  7. Jun 14, 2023 · While specific population figures can vary over time, here are a few examples of some of the least populated cities as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021: Vatican City: With an area of just 0.17 square miles (0.44 square kilometers), Vatican City is the smallest internationally recognized independent state and the least populated ...

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