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  1. Madhur Jaffrey Cauliflower Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Eggplant and Potato (Indian)
    From Madhur Jaffrey's World of the East Vegetarian Cooking. I have tried this with cauliflower instead of the eggplant, which was good, but I usually make it with carrots instead of the eggplant because even from a young age, Chef #784894 didn't like eggplant. Of course the dish is good with eggplant too! I just noticed that it calls for "boiling potatoes". I always use baking potatoes. Are they called "russet potatoes"? I also always double the recipe's spices and use a whole eggplant and cut up potatoes to equal the amount of eggplant.
    Cold-Turkey (or Chicken or Tofu or Tempeh) Pecel with Peanut-Lime Dressing
    With this recipe, you can wing it--pun intended. It's a fresh and crunchy cold salad with added protein, suitable for a batch of lunches or a family dinner. You can use a purchased rotisserie chicken or re-purpose the leftovers of a chicken dinner or Thanksgiving turkey. For a vegan version, omit the poultry and eggs, and swap in extra tofu and/or fry up some diced tempeh (add a split clove of garlic and/or a coin of fresh ginger to the frying oil if desired). The amount depends on how much cooked poultry or alternate protein you have: a little less, you can increase the other proteins, a little more, and you can decrease them. You can serve a crowd or a small family by adding or subtracting amounts. This recipe was inspired by one in in Madhur Jaffrey's World of the East Vegetarian Cooking and enhanced by the recommendations of an Indonesian friend. I added lime- juice and zest to the latter's recommendation of tamarind paste. (If you lack tamarind paste, up the lime juice to taste). Substitute soft butter lettuce or crisp romaine for the cabbage; blanch green beans, cauliflower, or broccoli in place of the pea pods, or try adding sweet and crunchy batons of jicama or carrot. Use whatever you have in the crisper drawer.