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  1. Jun 29, 2019 · John P. Pelissero. Government ethics applies to the processes, behavior, and policy of governments and the public officials who serve in elected or appointed positions. The role of government and its officials is to serve the public interest with ethical awareness and ethical actions. When governments serve the public interest and avoid ...

  2. The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics has been the leader in applied ethics since 1986. Our comprehensive approach to enlightening people and organizations through materials offered on our website, customized engagements with organizations, and our commitment to Santa Clara University students to be trained in applied ethics has continued to ...

  3. Access hundreds of ethics articles, case studies, briefings, and other materials on applied ethics across a variety of fields. We also offer a YouTube channel and a range of social media. Our resources are widely reprinted in textbooks and trade books, and used extensively in classes and training. Please send requests for permission to reprint ...

  4. The Government Ethics Fellowship is open to juniors and seniors with a major or minor in Political Science. Fellows work approximately four to five hours per week on projects at the intersection of policy and ethics with Professor John Pelissero, senior scholar and director of government ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

  5. Just as scheduled penetration testing and risk sweeping are standard tools of good cybersecurity practice, ethical risk sweeping is an essential tool for good design and engineering practice. Tool 2: Ethical Pre-mortems and Post-mortems: While Tool 1 focuses on individual risks, Tool 2 focuses on avoiding systemic ethical failures of a project.

  6. by Margaret McLean, senior scholar of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Bioethics involves a reflective, careful examination of issues that arise in biology and medicine, such as end-of-life decision making, DIY biology, biohacking, genetic testing, and the new possibilities of gene editing. It spans a large range of activities that may ...

  7. A Business Ethics Case Study. An employee at an after-school learning institution must balance a decision to accept or decline an offered gift, while considering the cultural norms of the client, upholding the best interests of all stakeholders, and following the operational rules of his employer.

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