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  1. Chapter 24: Frankl: Logotherapy. Part 1: Existential Psychology. Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. Such is the first principle of Existentialism…For we mean that man first exists, that is, that man first of all is the being who hurls himself toward a future and who is conscious of imagining himself as being in the future ...

  2. Aug 31, 2021 · Based on this approach, the authors argue that archetypal analysis within an existential positive psychology approach can be helpful in analysing the meaning of life and death—as two most important anchors in TMT of Becker (1967, 1973) in extraordinary individuals. Secondly, the articles explain the TMT and relate it to the life and death ...

  3. May 24, 2023 · Whereas some personality theorists prefer to concentrate on only one of these modes, existential psychology holds that all three must be accorded equal emphasis in order to achieve a true understanding of the human personality. (See May, 1958/1967b, pp. 61–65.) The Umwelt is the mode that so concerned Freud. In addition to our physical ...

  4. Apr 27, 2015 · Introduction. The threat to life associated with brain tumor frequently propels people to consider their own mortality and the meaning and purpose of life (1–3).Spiritual well-being broadly refers to one’s sense of inner peace, connectedness to others, and reverence for life, and encapsulates both religious well-being and existential well-being (2, 4, 5).

  5. A number of philosophical and psychological theories suggest the true self is an important contributor to well-being. The present research examined whether the cognitive accessibility of the true self-concept would predict the experience of meaning in life. To ensure that any observed effects were due to the true self-concept rather than the ...

  6. Feb 1, 2021 · First, let us consider creative values. Meaning actualization arises from a deed that has been done or a work that has been created (Frankl, 2000).These values are associated with the symbol of the homo faber, the working human, the principles of activity and productivity and the physical dimension (Biller & de Lourdes Stiegeler, 2008).

  7. Aug 31, 2021 · Abstract. The existential psychiatrist Viktor Frankl (1905–1997) lived an extraordinary life. He witnessed and experienced acts of anti-Semitism, persecution, brutality, physical abuse, malnutrition, and emotional humiliation. Ironically, through these experiences, the loss of dignity and the loss of the lives of his wife, parents and brother ...

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