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  1. Measurements Conversion Cooking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Conversion Tables for European Cooks
    Ok, these are not recipes, but they are needed for all recipes for anyone who measures ingredients in GRAMS, pans in centimetres and regulates the oven in Centigrades. Food52 is growing by the day and I have so many friends in Europe and Australia who follow it and all tell me the same thing - it's so tiring to figure out what a cup of flour and a stick of butter is all the time. So I hope these tables will be helpful to anyone that uses measurements other than cups.
    Lemon Drizzle Cake
    zesty lemon drizzle cake with sugar and lemon drizzle and a lemon icing. I found conversions for american cups here prefer to use gram measurements as i haven't tried it with cups. using a scale and measuring grams is the safest method for precise measurements.
    Dutch Fudge
    I found this on a Dutch cooking site, but written in English. I could have translated it, but getting it in English is much easier, especially for someone as lazy as I tend to be. It's good. In the directions I have entered the gram equivelant of the measurements, which would be more accurate than the English ounce conversions.