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  2. In the second subtype of terminal lucidity, the authors tell us, “full mental clarity can appear quite abruptly and unexpectedly just hours or days before death.”

    • Overview
    • What is terminal lucidity?
    • What causes terminal lucidity?
    • How common is terminal lucidity?
    • Making the most of terminal lucidity
    • Takeaway

    While science doesn’t yet understand why these episodes of brief lucidity happen ― studies show they’re fairly common in those with dementia.

    Dementia describes a progressive loss of cognitive functioning that affects a person’s memory, thinking, language, mood, behavior, and more. More than 55 million people around the world live with dementia, and it’s one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Dementia is progressive, which means the condition continues to worsen over time. Eventually, a person with late-stage dementia will have trouble communicating with others and engaging in meaningful activities.

    However, as the end-of-life approaches, some people with dementia may experience something called terminal lucidity: a sudden, brief burst of mental clarity.

    Terminal lucidity is a phenomenon in which someone who has previously lost the ability to communicate or engage in other meaningful behaviors suddenly regains mental clarity or cognition.

    Usually, these episodes happen in people with late-stage dementia who have lost their ability to function and can no longer communicate with those around them. However, terminal lucidity can also appear in people with other conditions, such as brain damage from stroke or certain cancers, who are nearing the end of their lives.

    When someone experiences terminal lucidity, the episode usually only lasts for a few hours or days, at most. During these episodes, the person may be able to do things they previously couldn’t, such as:

    •recognize people around them

    •remember who or where they are

    •recall memories from their past

    Researchers still aren’t entirely sure of what causes people to experience terminal lucidity. In fact, many experts view the phenomenon as a paradox, because it contradicts what we know about the human brain and how conditions like dementia can affect our cognition.

    Some experts believe that these fleeting changes in cognition happen because of fluctuations in certain brain functions. Other studies show that unexplained changes in the brain and body can happen in the moments before death ― possibly leading to changes in memory and behavior.

    Terminal lucidity is an under-researched area of study, and there are very few actual studies published on the subject. Because of this, it’s difficult for experts to say how common these episodes of lucidity actually are.

    However, in one earlier study from 2018, researchers investigated reports of terminal lucidity in patients at a teaching hospital. Out of the 338 reported deaths, there were only 6 episodes of terminal lucidity ― and all patients died within the 9 days following the episode.

    A study from 2023 exploring paradoxical lucidity found that 73% of the 33 healthcare workers interviewed reported witnessing an episode of paradoxical lucidity.

    While this study specifically focused on paradoxical lucidity, some of the reports may actually have been referring to terminal lucidity. In 22.2% of the reported episodes, the person died within 3 days, with another 14.8% passing within 3 months after having the episode.

    Terminal lucidity can be an emotional experience because there’s no way to predict if or when it might happen or how long it might last. However, the 2023 study mentioned above found that episodes could last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days.

    For many loved ones, it often comes as a shock when someone who is no longer able to communicate regains clarity. In fact, one study found that while 72% of caregivers surveyed had a positive attitude toward witnessing episodes of lucidity, 17% of caregivers actually found the experience to be stressful.

    And while there’s no right or wrong way to feel when this phenomenon happens to someone you love, you can still make the most of it when it does.

    Whether that’s having a conversation about a memory from their past, listening to their favorite records, or enjoying their favorite snack with them, an episode of lucidity is an opportunity to connect with your loved one once more before the end of their life ― so enjoy and cherish the moment in whatever way you can.

    Research on terminal lucidity is limited, with few studies exploring these unexplained episodes of clarity before death. But as overlooked and understudied as the phenomenon is, it’s still an important aspect of end-of-life care that caregivers and loved ones should be aware of.

    If your loved one is approaching the end of their life with a condition like dementia, consider asking their care team for end-of-life resources and education. With the right support, you can make sure that the transition is as dignified and comfortable for your loved one as possible.

  3. Feb 2, 2023 · The memories you create during this final period of clarity may support you when you miss your loved one the most. 8 resources. Terminal Lucidity is a period of clarity before death. Although not every patient experiences Terminal Lucidity, it is important to make them comfortable.

  4. May 7, 2024 · These moments of mental clarity may be a way for the dying person to say final goodbyes, gain closure before death, and reconnect with family and friends. Some believe episodes of terminal lucidity are representative of the person connecting with an afterlife.

  5. Feb 22, 2022 · This is why sometimes, just before death, a person can snap into a moment of clarity where they say something that can be very profound. Mark Boughey, director of palliative medicine at...

  6. Apr 13, 2023 · What the nurses and my cousins saw was an episode of terminal lucidity, an extraordinary phenomenon that Michael Nahm, a biologist and research associate at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) defines as “the unexpected surge of mental clarity shortly before death.”

  7. In the moments right before death, the brains of the rats hooked up to their machines displayed a sudden surge in serotonin, a brain chemical deeply enmeshed in the processes of thought and sensing.

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