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  2. Sep 5, 2023 · The Process of Earning Redemption. Journey to the West may recount a fictionalized version of historical events; however, Wu Cheng’en’s monumental work is an allegory for human striving and ...

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  4. What events occur in chapters 20 and 21 of The Journey to the West? Ask a question. The Journey to the West Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and ...

  5. In this classic 16th century Chinese novel, Journey to the West, there are four primary characters: Xuanzang, Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie. Xuanzang, the main character, is a monk who is ...

  6. Expert Answers. In The Journey to the West, Chapter 20 begins with the Tang priest encountering trouble on the Yellow Wind Ridge. Sanzang has been traveling with his followers for half a day when ...

  7. The plot of Journey to the West concerns Tang Sanzang's quest to bring Buddhist scriptures from India to China. Early in the narrative, the Emperor Taizong sends the monk Tang Sanzang on a ...

  8. Quick answer: Characters in Journey to the West that are based on historical figures are Xuanzang, T'ai Tsung, and Buddha. Characters that are imaginary include the Monkey King, Pigsy, Sandy, and ...

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